Thursday, October 30, 2008

Invasion of privacy . . . are you next?

Columbus Dispatch: Checks on 'Joe' more extensive than first acknowledged

I see a major red flag. This is a very slippery slope.

The Bush administration received a lot of grief for wire-tapping terrorists. Where is the outrage when an average citizen has his personal life ripped open for stepping on the toes of the liberal movement?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This smells like the Soviet Union

What do "Joe the Plumber," Barbara West, Chris May, and Angela Russell have in common?
They all asked challenging (but respectful) questions of the Obama/Biden campaign and received very harsh treatment in return.

Joe Wurzelbacher’s personal life was hacked and scrutinized like he was public enemy number one. Barbara West’s TV station was banned from further interviews and her husband’s life was misrepresented to paint her as a right-wing hit woman.

Soviet Union indeed.


If you care about the pro-life issue, you need to read this:

Several months ago, I read the records from the Illinois State Legislature regarding Sen. Obama's vote and statements about the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.

I found that he had opposed a law virtually identical to a federal law already in place and supported by (of all people) Sen. Ted Kennedy.

I have also read transcripts and watched video footage CBN CBN YouTube of Sen. Obama stating that he opposed the legislation for several reasons- one of which was that it did not contain the wording that the federal law contained. But, the truth of the matter is that his committee added the wording and THEN voted down the bill.

Either Sen. Obama has forgotten or he is lying. I see no other option.

I would like to know two things:

1. Did Sen. Obama oppose this bill because he opposes any legislation backed by pro-life organizations?

2. Does Sen. Obama view any passage of such legislation as a defeat for the pro-abortion agenda?

Read more from the National Right to Life here.

Learn more about Sen. Obama's repeated opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by clicking on the links below.
Transcript of Obama's verbal opposition to Born Alive on the IL Senate floor
Obama's vote on the IL Senate floor
Jill Stanek
Citizen Link
Human Events
Illinois Right to Life

Something to keep in mind . . .

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Iran prefers Obama


"Iranian parliament speaker says his country is leaning towards Democratic candidate in US presidential election 'because he is more flexible and rational.'"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Joe Biden is actually saying . . .

If you read or listen to all of Joe Biden's remarks, it reveals and insinuates a few things:

1. Sen. Biden acknowledges Obama's lack of experience.
2. The world will be more likely to "test" Obama than McCain.
3. The United States would be safer and in a less precarious position with Sen. McCain as President rather than Sen. Obama.

This is just . . . weird

Democratic VP candidate, Joe Biden:

from FOX NEWS:
“Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.” he told a fundraising crowd in the Pacific Northwest on Sunday. “Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“He’s gonna have to make some really tough - I don’t know what the decision’s gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it’s gonna happen.”

What will happen if we don't have a crisis? What will Joe Biden say then?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Told you so (#2)

Well, I said to watch for this to happen over the next two weeks, but it took less than 48 hours for the liberal media to pounce on what they consider, "too good to be true, Joe the Plumber."

The sad thing is- Joe IS an average American and all the feeble attempts to dig up "dirt" on him in an attempt to discredit him only provide more evidence to the fact.

Go Joe!

Fox News Story (Told you so #2)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

One more thing-

Watch over the next 2 weeks as certain elements of the media and left-wing politicians attempt to mock, discredit, and marginalize "Joe the Plumber."

In their attempt to "set him aside," they run the risk of upsetting many Americans who identify with him. Joe could become the "unofficial leader" of a group of middle-class Americans who believe their feelings of frustration are finally being expressed. (And the liberal media can’t stand it.)

Update: 2:22pm If Joe the Plumber has busted the liberals, they will do everything they can to discredit him:

Here are some examples:
Biden questions 'notion of this guy Joe the plumber'
Free Republic
Democratic Underground
Daily Kos

Update: 2:38

ABC NEWS: "Are you really who you say you are?" "You can't actually be an average American and be agaisnt Obama's plans can you?!"

The View:


Update: 10-17-08 7:34am

“Joe the Plumber”

(In my two previous posts dealing with Joe the Plumber's conversation with Barack Obama when the phrase "Spread the wealth around" was infamously used, I almost wrote how I thought this guy known as “Joe the Plumber” could become a defining moment in the Presidential race. Hindsight is 20/20)

After his name was mentioned numerous times in the final Presidential debate, it is very possible that the phrase “Joe the Plumber” will be repeated by both campaigns and the media continuously over the next 19 days.
There are several reasons for this:

1. Joe the Plumber brought the fallacies of Barack Obama’s tax policies into the spotlight and revealed Sen. Obama’s socialist leaning ideas. This may result in countless American’s deciding to take a closer look at this election.

2. Joe the Plumber represents the heart of the American dream- work hard, do your best, and start your own business. This awakens the desires of so many Americans, and we identify with him.

3. Joe the Plumber did what very few (if any) reporter or pundit has done- ask the tough questions directly to Barack Obama and force him to reveal the true nature of his policies.

4. Joe the Plumber has reminded all Americans that “We the people” decide elections and it is critically thinking, hard working Americans who are best suited to determine who leads us in Washington.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spread the Wealth (cont'd)

Speaking to voters this week, Obama insinuated his tax policies are an attempt to "spread the wealth around." He has made it clear that he wants everyone to become successful, and I commend him for inspiring people. But, he has also made it clear he believes that if you reach a certain point of "success" it's the government's job to take your money and give it to someone "less" successful.In other words, Sen. Obama will not raise your taxes until you become very successful. As his running mate would say, you should be "patriotic" and pay more taxes. I will make less than $26,000 this year, and I don't want a dime of someone else's money. If my fellow Americans have managed to make $260,000 instead of $26,000, God Bless them, and God bless the country they live in. I don't want a government that dramatically raises their taxes in an attempt to "help" me.

These "very successful" people are responsible for creating jobs. Who else can create jobs? When is the last time you got a job from a "poor" person? The rhetoric from my liberal friends implies people making "more money than the rest of us" are "greedy" or "wrong." This is outrageous. Some "rich" people are greedy, but they are still the one's that employ the American workforce and create new jobs for tomorrow.
Raising their taxes is a very poor idea in a volatile economy like ours. If I become a small business owner and my taxes go up, that hurts my ability to give my employees a raise, hire new workers, and expand my business.
Sen. Obama's plan is simply a thinly veiled form of socialism.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Spread the Wealth

Socialism . . .

In other words, Senator Obama will not raise your taxes until you become very successful.

Whew! I feel so much better now. (Because, like all hard-working Americans, I have NO aspirations to be very successful. And I know only dirty, deceitful, and greedy people are VERY successful. I'm glad Senator Obama will help me never reach that point.)

And if I ever achieve the American Dream, I'll be glad to know that government helped me get their by slowing others down.


Obama and ACORN

Another case of poor judgment or deception?

World Net Daily

Ohio county seeks fraud investigation of ACORN
Cleveland Election Officials Launch Probe of ACORN
ACORN's Rap Sheet

Senator Obama doesn’t want you to know the truth about his associations with radical, fraudulent groups like ACORN.

“Texas ACORN members are proud to stand with Senator Obama. . .”

Sen. Obama: “I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career.”

Someone needs to update the Obama/Biden website. Must be hard to be their webmaster- Trying to keep everything saying the same thing, avoiding contradictions, and hiding the truth must be quite a challenge.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finally, we are talking about judgment . . .

It is perfectly reasonable to raise questions about Senator Obama’s judgment and associations. If he does indeed have the “good judgment” to govern our Nation, I find it very disturbing that Senator Obama’s campaign adviser David Axelrod said, Sen. Obama "Didn't know the history" of admitted terrorist Bill Ayers' activities.

Really? If that is the truth, then it concerns me that Sen. Obama did not know that the man throwing him a fundraiser for his first state senate run bombed the U.S. Capitol. That seems like something a man with sound judgment should have figured out.

If that is not the truth, then I am even more concerned that Sen. Obama would not only knowingly associate with a domestic terrorist, but would lie about it for political gain.

For someone who wants the toughest job in America, these questions should be answered more clearly. The current explanation doesn’t cut it. Considering the amount of responsibility Sen. Obama is asking us to give him, I do not feel comfortable handing the keys to our nation to him, when a man with the experience and proven judgment of John McCain is asking for the same job.

AP Report


NY Times

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin and Biden Debate Predictions

Two things:

Will this debate disintegrate into a pointless "gotcha game"?

And, does Joe Biden have enough self-control to keep himself from taking a cheap-shot, losing his temper, or just behaving rudely?

We will find out in just a few hours. . .