Behold . . . Socialism Is Knocking On America's Door
We Are All in It Together, Clinton Says
I hope America recognizes what she is saying for what it is.
A conservative’s desire to make a difference and passion to see people succeed
We Are All in It Together, Clinton Says
I hope America recognizes what she is saying for what it is.
Obviously, John Edwards doesn't think terrorism is a real threat.
Did he not learn anything from September 11th?
Maybe he was too busy fantasizing about sitting in the Oval Office.
Maybe he forgot what he said on The Factor, or maybe "politically expedient" is his favorite phrase.
Making wise decisions will improve your reputation. I believe there is a direct correlation between the decisions we make and the reputations we hold. I also believe that in order for a person to be truly content in life, he needs a reputation he can be proud of.
Think of two people you know fairly well, but don’t talk to every day. What determines how you think of them? The answer is simple: the decisions they make and the actions they take. Do you trust them? Then you’ve probably never heard them lie. Do you have reservations about trusting them? Then you’ve probably seen them bend the truth a little bit. Do you like them? Then perhaps they have been nice to you or your friends. Do you not like them? Then chances are you had a conflict of opinion with them, or you disagreed with a decision they made.
The point is this: What you have seen them do has had a huge impact on how you think about them. The choices and decisions they have made have determined what you and others think of them.
The same is true for you. People will form most of their opinion about you based on what they see you do. If you make poor decisions, your reputation will suffer. If you make wise decisions, your reputation will reap the benefits.
What kind of reputation do you have? What decisions have your friends watched you make? What do people think of you when someone says your name? Are there some things you’ve done that you’re not proud of? Don’t kill yourself over those things! Everyone has regrets. Are you unhappy with your reputation? Don’t give up! There are still pages to be written in the chapters of your life.
Commit yourself today to making wise decisions, and forming a reputation you can be proud of.
And while you are working on your reputation, remember:
"Your choices in life are based on what you consider to be most important."
Someone recently sent me that question in a message. Here's the answer:
The book will deal with the "Accepted Evils" of our culture. Hot topics like abortion, pornography, homosexuality, gambling, substance abuse, and addiction will be the center pieces. Other issues like the soft bigotry of low expectations will be discussed as well.
I firmly believe that "Every generation has an accepted evil. The greatest leaders are the ones willing to do whatever it takes to change it."
We can look back through history and see that to be true: Hitler was acceptable for a while, and by the time he was deemed "unacceptable" six million Jews were dead. Cultures have looked the other way when faced with genocide. Our country in many ways treated the Native Americans horribly, but it was accepted. Racism ran ramped in the South for generations (and still does in some parts.) Slave trade is probably the biggest example of an accepted evil I can think of.
The book will talk about how those closest to the evil often fail to do something about it. Sadly, we just accept it. "Accepted Evil" will challenge others to make that evil unacceptable.
Jeff Young understands what I am talking about. Notice his reply to Jack Reeves.
Convert or Die: "Pakistani Christians Seek Government Protection After Threats to Convert by Pro-Taliban Forces"
When is the last time you heard of a group of Christians telling people of another faith to "convert or face violence?"
Don't tell me radical Islam isn't violent.
Fox News Story
Ronald Reagan's proven words of wisdom.
I can't help but notice how applicable this famous speech is to the current debate surrounding the War on Terror.
I know that some will argue that we should not compare the two conflicts, but all world conflict and any clash of principles or way of life, regardless of who it is with, carries with it many similar characteristics and life lessons that we should not deny.
In fact, we would be outright foolish to do so.
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