Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rep. Joe Wilson and Liberal Hypocrisy

Much to the Democrats’ delight, this story is grabbing lots of attention. When a political party (or a faction within that party) wants to ram through drastic legislation with virtually no specific plan, fishy numbers that don’t add up, and rhetoric that masks the real agenda, one of the best things that can happen is for the debate to shift from the horrific fallacies of the legislation to “what a lesser known congressman yelled during the President’s Speech.”

Should have South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson yelled, “You lie!” during the President’s speech last night? No. (He should have waited till the speech was over.) Click here

Are the Democrats being hypocritical in their attempt to make political hay out of the situation? Yes.

Links below.

"We need laws to make me give my money away"

One of my complaints against many of the wealthy politicians pushing for universal health care is that they say “rich people like themselves” should pay higher taxes and should help others with healthcare because they can afford it, but there is nothing keeping them from giving their money to those causes right now. If they truly believed in the cause, they would not need the government to pass laws to take their money away. Many of them give almost nothing! Joe Biden is one of the best examples of this. He said during the campaign it was time the rich paid higher taxes to help the less fortunate, but his tax records showed he gave virtually nothing to charity.

The main issue goes to the role of government. I simply do not believe it is morally right for the government to excessively take from those who earned it to give it to someone else.