Friday, September 28, 2007


Most estimates place the number of children murdered by a “medical abortion” at over 1 billion since WWII.

This is the story of an amazing little girl named Kimberly. She was born 15 weeks early. Several aspects of this story grab my attention. First, millions of babies like Kimberly are aborted simply because “they are not wanted.” Kimberly was wanted. Second, millions of babies are aborted after they have been in their mothers womb longer than Kimberly was. Most of them could have survived if they had simply been delivered into life instead of denied it. Kimberly's story is amazing. I admire her parents' courage.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

This One Was Easy . . .

Sometimes I struggle with what to write about and post on this blog, but this particular post was a slam dunk.

Perhaps you watched the Democratic debate last night. But then again, chances are you didn't. Don't worry. You didn't miss much, but there were a few things that “bothered me” (if you will) about the debate. The candidates were all given a chance to state their favorite Bible verse. (I’m not sure what Tim Russert was trying to prove, but nonetheless, his question provided viewers with something to talk about at the water cooler the next day.) Not one candidate actually answered with a verse. Rep. Dennis Kucinich said he liked the prayer of St. Francis, and just in case you are wondering, that isn’t in the Bible. Barak Obama and Bill Richardson both said, “The sermon on the Mount,” which is actually in the Bible, but come on. Believe it or not, I was actually surprised that not one candidate actually listed a real Bible verse. Disappointed? Well, yes, I was. I actually had higher hopes for the Democratic party.

Now, on to the “scariest item of the day.” The following is the answer John Edwards gave in response to a question regarding the reading (to second graders) of a story about two gay Princes marrying. (The picture above is from the book in question- "King and King.")
“I don’t want to make that decision on behalf of my children. I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information, even in — did you say second grade? Second grade might be a little tough, but even in second grade to be exposed to all those possibilities, because I don’t want to impose my view. Nobody made me God.” (from,2933,298307,00.html)

Is it just me, or did the former North Carolina senator basically say he does not want to influence his kids opinions about the subject?

Wow! Quick! Someone send him a memo- Influencing your children is usually part of the “being a parent” job description. But, then again, he’s probably following the “new and improved” instructional manual.

I’m glad that after the primaries, John Edwards won’t have much a chance to influence anyone, let alone his own children.

Disclaimer: God’s word is clear. God loves every person He ever created. God hates sin. God’s word teaches us to love people, regardless of their lifestyle, beliefs, and actions, and God has clearly stated that some things are right and some things are wrong. Although not politically correct, very simply stated, homosexuality falls under the “wrong” column. When any culture begins to embrace the things God has proclaimed to be sin as normal, acceptable, and right, that culture moves closer to moral destruction.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wake Up, America

Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!

-Adolph Hitler, January 30, 1939

"Thanks to people's wishes and God's will the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want…Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out"
-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, December 12, 2006

"With God's help, the countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed by the hands of the children of Lebanon and Palestine . . . By God's will, we will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future."
-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, June 3, 2007

Evil is approaching. The only thing we can do is decide how dangerous it becomes before it arrives.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

God, What Are You Doing Today?

When a man seeks greatness without the pursuit of God, he will realize neither. But if the same man seeks God without a quest for greatest, he is forever guaranteed both.

How do you approach each day? What is the attitude you wake up with? I don’t mean the “Oh no, I feel too tired to get up,” attitude. I’m talking about after your coffee, or “wake up shower.” What do you expect from this day? What do you really want to happen? What do you desire to be involved in? Do you hope for just an “average” day? Do you wish to simply “fly below the radar” at work or school and avoid conflict? Or, do you approach the day with a craving to do something exceptional, above average, and exciting?

I believe hidden somewhere deep inside of everyone, there is a permanent and unquenchable aspiration to experience life in a more extraordinary way. Unfortunately, many factors censor and suppress this desire in most of us. Let me propose a new outlook- Tomorrow morning, when you wake up and realize that you have been granted another day to live on this earth, approach the day’s opportunities with this thought, “God, what do You have going on today? May I get in on it?”

You might be surprised at the amazing things God is doing and wants to do in “normal” people’s lives all around you. In fact, you might be slightly embarrassed to learn that you’ve overlooked many of “God’s miracles and movements” happening all around you every day. Many things are occurring in the lives of others, and in some cases “little miracles” are waiting to happen. A teenager is attempting to garner enough courage to tryout for a sports team. A single mother is praying for forty-five dollars to pay the electric bill. A co-worker is straining for the first sign of light at the end of his miserable tunnel of divorce. A family member is subconsciously waiting to hear three simple words to finally break free from depression. A friend sits on the edge of uprooting his family with the goal of giving his children a better life. The firewood of their decisions is dry, stacked, and ready to burn; it only lacks a “spark” and it will soon become a blaze.

Is someone around you looking for that spark? I challenge you to live your life without the possibility of looking back and wondering, “What powerful fire could I have ignited with optimism, energy, and excitement?”