Thursday, November 20, 2008

Misinformed people . . .

Results to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions
57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)
71.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)
82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)
88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)
56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).
And yet.....
Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothes
Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter
And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her "house," even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!
Only 2.4% got at least 11 correct.
Only .5% got all of them correct. (And we "gave" one answer that was technically not Palin, but actually Tina Fey)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Proud of our Armed Forces

This week, I shook hands with a young man named Brandon Ulmer. He is now an exemplary member of the United States Marine Corps. Brandon just returned from Parris Island, S.C., and it was an honor to shake hands with him.

Two years ago, when Brandon was 16, we worked together at Camp Joy off Highway 58 in Harrison. I noticed right away that he was a smart, self-sacrificing, and hard-working individual. As Brandon was preparing to graduate from Basic Training, another young man from our area, Mitch Beard, arrived on the Island to begin his journey. Mitch was one of my students last year at Tennessee Temple Academy, and I am honored to have had the privilege of teaching him.

I am proud of both of these young men, and as they complete the remainder of their training before possible deployments, I want to commend Brandon, Mitch, and all of our service men and women who are willing to give their time, energy, and possibly their lives to contribute to a cause greater then themselves. I also want to thank all of the families making so many sacrifices and supporting their relatives and loved ones serving in our military.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Proud of President Bush

I called the White House comment line today.

I do not agree with everything President Bush has done, and I know many people have very negative feelings towards him, but even though I may not agree with him 100% of the time, I am proud of his service to our Country.

I wanted to thank the President for his leadership, for doing what is right even when it wasn’t popular, having convictions, and treating Sen. Obama with respect.

He has exhibited dignity as he treats the office with honor during this transition phase. (By most accounts he appears to be treating Obama better than Clinton treated Bush).

I believe he has shown kindness even though little kindness has been shown to him.

I appreciate him and I am proud of his service

His remarks last Thursday to his staff were inspiring and commendable.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Liberal Logical Fallacies

Posted on the Chattanoogan:

I have a few questions for the extreme far right conservative majority in this area. How can one be against abortion and for a strong military and wars, they both kill? If the liberals are going to tax everyone into poverty, why does the smartest and wealthiest capitalist in the world, Mr. Warren Buffet support Obama? Why under conservative control does this area rank at the bottom in the nation in so many economic categories? I believe we lead the nation in per capita bankruptcies, near the bottom regarding per capita income, and on the bottom regarding education, why?
Why was the economy so much better under Bill Clinton in the 90's? Maybe instead of inciting racism, fear, and social differences, we should concentrate on fixing our common problems.

Travis Fletcher

My reply:

With all due respect, your questions contain many logical fallacies.
First of all, you have misrepresented the pro-life view. The overarching position of the pro-life movement is the protection of every innocent life.

People who have decided to engage in battle against the United States are neither innocent nor defenseless. The unborn are. Terrorists have a choice. Aborted babies do not.
The deaths of innocent civilians in a conflict zone are tragic and unintentional.
Courageously, some Americans are constantly working on technology to limit the number of civilians killed during battle. T
he deaths of innocent civilians in the womb are tragic but intentional. Sadly, some Americans are constantly working on technology to increase the number of ways the unborn can be killed during gestation.

Secondly, with regard to Warren Buffet, you have misrepresented the conservative position. Sen. Obama wants to raise taxes on the highest wage earners and businesses. Conservatives believe this will cause a de facto price increase (to pay for the higher taxes), hinder a company’s capacity to increase wages, and limit a company’s ability to hire new employees.You have also implied that if a “wealthy capitalist” supports a political candidate, that political candidate must have superior ideas. This is faulty logic.

Finally, your statement about racism and fear should be backed up with specifics. Ambiguous statements like these carry dangerous implications and can be easily misconstrued as an attempt to not only highlight but incite the very things you are complaining about.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama election = Stock Market Confidence?

I know we are in a dire financial situation. I know the economic crisis is not Barack Obama’s fault, and (although I have seen video footage from years ago of Republicans sounding the alarm about the potential credit crisis while Democrats claimed everything was “sound”) I know both parties share the blame for the problems we face.

With that in mind, I believe it is accurate and fair to make the following observation: The election of Barack Obama has not immediately helped our stock market:

Wall Street Suffers Second Straight Day of Big Losses; Dow Down 443 Points

Don’t flip out on me. I know there are a lot of factors involved, and I’m not saying Barack Obama is to blame for the Down dropping. I just think it’s ironic that so many Americans believe Barack Obama will do such a good job handling the economy, but stocks dropped drastically both days after his election and his election doesn’t seem to have given investors very much confidence.

But then again, if he had lost the election, maybe the Dow would have dropped 800 points each day instead of “only” 400.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Conservatives, take heart.

Today is a day for optimism. Yesterday, we lost, but today is a new opportunity. Keep your head up. Resist the urge to whine, mope, or gripe. Suppress the temptation to succumb to thoughts of depression (you are only wasting time and energy).

We have a war to fight. It is a war of ideas. Yesterday we lost a battle, not the war. True conservatism is still armed with superior ideas, and a rising, new generation of true conservative leaders.

To allow our defeat to cause us to cower away from the future battles that are about to be waged, is the equivalent of forfeiting an entire season because we lost one game.

Now is the time to regroup, refocus, and recommit to the fundamental principles that make conservatism work. Many of these principles have either been abandoned or incompetently communicated to the American people, and it is our duty as true conservatives to correct the mistakes of the past by accurately presenting these fundamental ideals in the future.

The sanctity of life, the defense of marriage, lower taxes, limited government, and a strong military are too important to our country’s long term success for us to give up now.

Look deep within yourself, find the confidence needed to re-engage, and press-on to take our country back.

Congratulations to Sen. Obama

America has voted for "Change," but what kind of change will we get?

Conservatives, hope for the best . . . prepare for the worst.

Monday, November 3, 2008

John McCain for President

If you are considering a vote for Barack Obama, please read:

John McCain believes we should lower everyone’s taxes because lower taxes leaves more money in the pockets of consumers and producers to spend and re-invest in our economy which creates jobs and generates more revenue.
Barack Obama says he will lower 95% of working Americans’ taxes, but 95% of working Americans don’t pay taxes. He wants to drastically increase taxes on the top 5% of wage earners and businesses because they can “afford it” and paying higher taxes is “patriotic,” but this will increase prices and restrict the ability of those businesses to hire new employees.

John McCain supports pro-life legislation and believes life begins at conception.
Barack Obama believes that taking a position on when life begins is above his pay grade and has voted against pro-life legislation his entire career. Sen. Obama told Planned Parenthood that he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act which would repeal state restrictions on abortion, provide for tax payer funded abortions, and reinstate partial-birth abortion. Learn more here.

John McCain is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and his voting record proves it.
Barack Obama says he believes in the individual right to bear arms, but his voting record strongly contradicts that claim.

John McCain understands our military, the danger countries like North Korea and Iran present to America, and how to effectively fight the war on terrorism.
Barack Obama has made many questionable statements revealing a lack of consistency and comprehension of how to deal with these threats. (i.e. “Iran is a tiny country.” “Georgia should show restraint.” He has also said he will meet without preconditions with Ahmendinijad, and if his plan had been followed in Iraq, we would have left in defeat months ago and Iraq would have most likely descended into genocide and chaos.

The experience and readiness of Sen. McCain to function as Commander-in-Chief has never been legitimately questioned. Even Barack Obama supporters acknowledge Sen. McCain is capable. I believe one of the biggest reasons Sen. Obama has not been able to “close the deal” is the fact that so many questions still abound as to whether or not Sen. Obama is actually ready to hold the most powerful office in the world. His running mate reaffirmed this by warning that the world would test him less than six months after taking office, and Sen. Obama acknowledged this himself in 2004.

I firmly believe John McCain is more prepared to be President of the United States than Barack Obama.

Regardless of whether or not Barack Obama is elected President, this election may go down in the history books as the year many Americans voted tragically uninformed.

I ask you to join me in voting for John McCain and educating as many people as possible about these important issues.