Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mike Huckabee at CPAC

This was a homerun derby.

Watch the video here.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Insurrection . . . will conservatives fight back?

Now that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has suspended his bid for President, I must ask the following question: Will the conservative wing of the Republican Party mount a comeback and declare that they will not be forced into the "de facto" nomination of John McCain?

If you are a conservative, there is only one way to avoid John McCain becoming our nominee- support Mike Huckabee. He is a true conservative and has been his entire life. Gov. Huckabee has the experience of running a government- 10 1/2 years as Governor of Arkansas. He was elected not once, but four times in Arkansas and has never faltered in his stance upon conservative principles.

Remember, we not only need a conservative nominee this November, we need a nominee who can clearly communicate our conservative values. Mike Huckabee is the only candidate remaining who can do just that.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Huckabee wins West Virginia!

Mike Huckabee wins West Virginia after Mitt Romney spends millions and comes up short.

Gov. Huckabee is continuing to prove that some Americans can NOT be bought.

Vote for Mike Huckabee Today!

Today is the day! I implore you to take your vote very seriously. Vote for the next Great Communicator- Mike Huckabee.

Check these links out:

Alabama polls show Huckabee surge

Tennessee polls: Every vote is needed

Georgia, make history

Saturday, February 2, 2008

You Can Trust Mike Huckabee

Gov. Huckabee's life record as a pastor, Lt. Governor, and Governor is one of extreme integrity.

He did what he said he would do as Governor of Arkansas, and he has always carried out what he said he would do. He is honest. He is truthful and follows through. He says we need to secure the border, and I believe with all my heart he will do everything in his power as President to do so.

In a world where politics often reeks with the stench of corruption and "politician" is nearly synonymous with "deceit," "scandal," and "cover-up," Mike Huckabee is like a blast of fresh air- honest air.

Learn more:

Friday, February 1, 2008

Mike Huckabee is the Next Great Communicator

Whether you agree with him or not, Mike Huckabee loves this country and there is no denying it.