Sometimes I struggle with what to write about and post on this blog, but this particular post was a slam dunk.
Perhaps you watched the Democratic debate last night. But then again, chances are you didn't. Don't worry. You didn't miss much, but there were a few things that “bothered me” (if you will) about the debate. The candidates were all given a chance to state their favorite Bible verse. (I’m not sure what Tim Russert was trying to prove, but nonetheless, his question provided viewers with something to talk about at the water cooler the next day.) Not one candidate actually answered with a verse. Rep. Dennis Kucinich said he liked the prayer of St. Francis, and just in case you are wondering, that isn’t in the Bible. Barak Obama and Bill Richardson both said, “The sermon on the Mount,” which is actually in the Bible, but come on. Believe it or not, I was actually surprised that not one candidate actually listed a real Bible verse. Disappointed? Well, yes, I was. I actually had higher hopes for the Democratic party.
Now, on to the “scariest item of the day.” The following is the answer John Edwards gave in response to a question regarding the reading (to second graders) of a story about two gay Princes marrying. (The picture above is from the book in question- "King and King.")
“I don’t want to make that decision on behalf of my children. I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information, even in — did you say second grade? Second grade might be a little tough, but even in second grade to be exposed to all those possibilities, because I don’t want to impose my view. Nobody made me God.” (from
Is it just me, or did the former North Carolina senator basically say he does not want to influence his kids opinions about the subject?
Wow! Quick! Someone send him a memo- Influencing your children is usually part of the “being a parent” job description. But, then again, he’s probably following the “new and improved” instructional manual.
I’m glad that after the primaries, John Edwards won’t have much a chance to influence anyone, let alone his own children.
Disclaimer: God’s word is clear. God loves every person He ever created. God hates sin. God’s word teaches us to love people, regardless of their lifestyle, beliefs, and actions, and God has clearly stated that some things are right and some things are wrong. Although not politically correct, very simply stated, homosexuality falls under the “wrong” column. When any culture begins to embrace the things God has proclaimed to be sin as normal, acceptable, and right, that culture moves closer to moral destruction.