Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa Report
After driving all night from North Carolina, my brother and I arrived in Des Moines around 11am Wednesday morning. We made our way to the Huckabee for President headquarters and started phone calling.
To our surprise we found another person (John Heffner) who had left his home on Christmas Day as well to travel to Des Moines to pitch in and help in any way possible. Everyone at the headquarters was very kind, focused, and excited about Mike Huckabee.
It was exciting to call possible caucus goers and find out that not only did they plan on attending, but they are voting for Mike Huckabee as well.
David and I plan to remain in Des Moines until Saturday, when will we travel back to North Carolina to here our Dad speak at church Sunday morning.
If you live in the Des Moines area, take a couple hours this week (or a whole day) and come down to 519 Locust St. and put your weight into propelling Mike Huckabee to the White House!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Iowa or Bust
Today, my brother David and I, are embarking on a trip to Des Moines, Iowa. We plan to arrive at the Mike Huckabee for President headquarters on Locust St. sometime after noon on the 26th.
After David had the opportunity to see Mike speak at Liberty University several weeks ago, he called me and asked, "Are you still planning on going to Iowa?" I said, "Yes." And David replied, "I want to go with you."
So, here we go. (This will also be one of our last "adventures" together as David is engaged to be married to Stephanie Kona in 11 days.)
We believe with all our hearts that Gov. Huckabee is the best person to lead our country. He has more executive experience running a government than any other candidate- Democrat or Republican. His principles and convictions run deep, and after examining his life, listening to him speak, and watching him in many of the debates, we are persuaded that he cares more about the American people than anyone else running for President.
Mike Huckabee is authentic, and we are prepared to do whatever we can to help him become the 44th President of the United States!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Huckaboom . . . .Georgia!
According to the latest poll by InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion Research, conducted for the Georgia Chamber of Commerce.
Mike Huckabee (36%)
Rudy Giuliani (14%)
Mitt Romney (12%)
Fred Thompson (10%)
John McCain (10%)
Ron Paul (4%)
Duncan Hunter (2%)
Tom Tancredo* (1%)
Undecided (11%)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
"Mike Huckabee Would Make a Great Vice President," -Mitt Romney
This is . . . . well . . . odd-
As Mike Huckabee rises to the top of many polls, Mitt Romney has set his sights on him and begun blasting away. I believe the more Mitt Romney attacks Mike Huckabee, the more voters are going to realize that Romney is guilty of saying whatever he thinks is necessary to get elected, especially after what Romney said today-
“He’d [Mike Huckabee] make a great vice president. But I also think that the issues that we’re dealing with today are very important issues and it’s important for people to understand where we stand on issues.” -Mitt Romney, December 20, 2007.
Now intelligence demands the following question- "What!? Gov. Romney, how do you balance these statements with all the attacks you have shot at Gov. Huckabee?"
I've been saying this for a while now- All the candidates think Mike Huckabee would make a great Vice-President which demonstrates his ability to lead, because in my opinion, a person should never even be considered for Vice-President if they are not capable of being an excellent President.
Posted by Jeremiah Cook at 6:19 PM 22 Replies
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Mike Huckabee . . . Blazing a New Trail
Mike Huckabee has risen to the top, and in the process, he's been funny, witty, and sincere. Add these three qualities together and you get "authenticity." Well, guess what the other candidates are trying to be now? -Funny, witty, and sincere.
Mike Huckabee Continues to Shine
12-19-07 MSNBC:
Romney takes aim at Huckabee
12-19-07 MSNBC:
12-18-07 CNN:
New Poll: Giuliani 23, Huckabee 22
Last night, Sean Hannity proclaimed Mike Huckabee's political obituary . . . again.
But that's ok. Read this.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I Say Again . . .The Next Great Communicator, Mike Huckabee
If America really looks at Mike Huckabee and finds the truth, Mike Huckabee will be elected President.
Be patient and watch I'm talking about.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Merry Christmas from Mike Huckabee
This is the best political ad I have ever seen. Like a rejuvenating breath of fresh air, it gives a wonderful glimpse of how Mike Huckabee is becoming the next Great Communicator.
In this video, he looks like a caring Dad with a desire to look after the people he cares about. I also think he kinda looks like Ronald Reagan. Don't you? Read more from Newsweek.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Mike Huckabee is Unafraid
Mike Huckabee continues to demonstrate his boldness and courage to say what needs to be said and propose what needs to be done.
Click here to watch.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mike Huckabee Has Changed Everything
Most pundits are saying the Republican Debate in Iowa was void of fireworks or "heated debate." Why? Because Mike Huckabee has changed everything by staying positive and becoming the front-runner while doing it. He goes completely against conventional wisdom and proves all the Washington insiders wrong. In all the debates and interviews, his constant positive tone, his refusal to attack the other candidates, and his deliberate concentration on his ideas, has made every other candidate stop and rethink how they should debate.
His opponents will attack him in ads and mail outs, but he has flown his campaign so much higher than everyone else, they realize that they run the risk of looking like jerks if they go after Mike Huckabee personally in a debate. And, now his challengers know they can only go at him to a certain degree before voters will view their attacks as immature and beneath the new front-runner: Mike Huckabee.
Gov. Huckabee has changed everything. Go Mike!
ABC News ANALYSIS: Huckabee Shines in Lackluster Debate
Republicans miss last debate chance to wound surging Huckabee
GOP Hopefuls Restrained In Iowa Debate
"He'd make a fine president." -Mitt Romney speaking about Mike Huckabee
If some people are going to pull up what Mike Huckabee said 15 years ago and try to use it against him, they should also pull up what Mitt Romney said 2 years ago:
"Who knows what the future will hold? Most likely, we'll all stay as governors or find other offices, but we need to make sure that we have a strong person who can take the baton from President Bush, and Gov. Huckabee is certainly one of those individuals. He'd make a fine president." - Mitt Romney, August 2005
Read More
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Mike Huckabee on Hannity and Colmes 12-10-07
They can attack him all they want- Gov. Huckabee only gets better and better.
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's Official . . . Mike Huckabee is Neck and Neck With Giuliani
CNN Poll: Huckabee challenges Giuliani's front-runner status
CBS: Huckabee Soars
He's got the momentum. Check out why people are making the switch to Huckabee.
Mike Huckabee and Evangelicals
What is the "secret" to the former Arkansas Governor's success in Iowa? The liberal pundits would have you believe that it is all due to the "evangelical voters of Iowa." Now, I have no doubt the "Christian communities of Iowa" are stepping into Mike Huckabee's corner, and that is helping, but his support is much broader than that. If his recent surge in the Iowa polls is due only to the Christians of Iowa, how do you explain his rise in Michigan, South Carolina, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and even New Hampshire?
If current trends continue, the liberal media (who can not find any other explaination for Huckabee's rise) will have to start reporting that the number of Christians in Iowa (and the rest of the country for that matter) has somehow doubled over night.
By the way, Real Clear Politics has Gov. Huckabee in second place nationally all by himself.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Mike Huckabee and His Supporters' Excitement
Voters stepping into Mike Huckabee's corner are more excited about their candidate than any other Republican front runner, and that will pay dividends on election day.
When you hear the words "likely caucus goers" or "likely voters," just know that Mike Huckabee's "likely" people are much more "likely" to show up and vote than any other candidates' "likelys" are "likely" to vote themselves.
And- You can put that in your buggy and take it to the register.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Oprah Appears with Obama
Ever since Oprah announced she was going to campaign for Obama, people have been asking, "Will her endorsement make Obama's numbers rise?" Now that she has "officially hit the trail" with him, I am asking, "What will her endorsement do to her numbers?"
Wouldn't it be something for the pundits to scratch their heads over, if some of the ideas she is now so strongly aligning with actually alienated some of her supporters. Hmm . . .
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Mike Huckabee is In First Place in South Carolina
Mike Huckabee is Undeniably a True Contender for the Republican Nomination
Two polls show former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee surging into first place in the early voting state of South Carolina.
Americans are starting to pay attention to the race for the Republican Nomination, and it is starting to show in the polls. People are noticing Gov. Huckabee's message and authenticity.
Southern Political Report Poll:
"Huckabee now leads the pace with 23 percent. Giuliani and Thompson are tied at 17, followed by Romney with 14 percent and McCain with 10 percent."
Rasmussen Reports Poll:
"Huckabee 25% Romney 18% Thompson 18%"
Gov. Huckabee is also leading big in North Carolina.
Nationally, Gov. Huckabee has skyrocketed into 2nd place.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Mike Huckabee Leads GOP Nationally
Rasmussen has had Giuliani in the lead . . . until today. Now Mike Huckabee has taken over.
Click here.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Mike Huckabee in 2nd Place Nationally
The new USA Today/Gallup poll is good news for the Huckabee campaign. Mike Huckabee is also in 2nd place in this poll from Rasmussen Reports.
From USA Today:
• Giuliani: 25%; vs 28% in the previous survey, taken Nov. 11-14; and 34% in a Nov. 2-4 survey. So, his support has fallen 9 percentage points in a month.
• Mike Huckabee: 16%; vs. 10% in the previous survey; and 6% before that. His support has risen 10 percentage points in a month.
• Fred Thompson: 15%; vs. 19% in the previous survey; and 17% before that.
• Sen. John McCain: 15%; vs. 13% in the previous survey; and 18% before that.
• Mitt Romney: 12%; unchanged from the previous survey; and 14% before that.No other GOP candidate was above 4%.
After watching the debates for months, reading polls, listening to the other candidates talk, and examining closely how they react and respond to the Huckabee campaign, I have made the following conclusions:
They (the other candidates) appeared to be thinking (about Mike) in June and July, "He's a nice guy. He makes these debates fun." In August and September, "He's a nice guy. He has some good points." In October, "He's a nice guy. He might make a good running mate (just as long as he doesn't catch on and beat me.”) In November, "Nice guy or not, he'd better stop doing so well. We have to stop him."
Now, lets doing everything we can to help the other candidates start thinking, "I hope he picks ME as a running mate!"
I also believe the American people are thinking, "Ok, who's running for President? Oh, I don't like that about this guy, I don't like that about that guy, and . . . no, I'm not too thrilled about that other guy. Wait, what did THAT guy say? What's his name? Mike Huckabee? Hmm . . ."
Go Mike!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Mike Huckabee on This Week
This is one of Mike Huckabee's best interviews ever.
Part one.
Part two is the best of the best.
Part Three
Mike Huckabee Leads in New Iowa Poll
Check out this poll by the Des Moines Register.
Huckabee - 29% (+17)
Romney - 24% (-5)
Giuliani - 13% (+2)
Thompson - 9% (-9)
McCain - 7% (-)
Paul - 7% (+3)
Tancredo - 6% (+1)
Undecided - 4% (-5)