Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Is this socialism? Is our government doing the right thing? Can we "stimulate" our economy out of this mess? Can we spend our way back into growth? Only time will tell, but in my opinion the fact that we are even having a debate over whether or not these are socialist ideas is a telling sign.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Corruption Killing America

FBI Probing 530 Corporate Fraud Cases

We are cheating and deceiving ourselves into destruction.

If Americans (and most importantly leaders- i.e. business executives, clergy, teachers, politicians) don't value honesty and integrity we will sentence our Nation to death.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama: "Only Government"

FOX NEWS: Obama: 'Only Government' Can Break Cycle of Job Loss, Economic Downturn

Unfortunately, government is not the answer and never will be. Spending more money to help our economy get out of debt is not the answer. Printing more money is not the answer.

Government is too involved in Americans' lives. Government needs to get out of the way. Less regulation, lower taxes, and less spending. Haven’t we already tried that you ask? Tax cuts, yes, but spending has been out of control for many years, and until we lower all three to the appropriate levels, we will not see the ingenuity and growth we had during President Reagan’s administration.

Friday, February 6, 2009

When you have to remind people you are in charge . . .

. . . you're not.

FOX NEWS: In Stimulus Debate, Obama Drifts Into Campaign Mode
President Obama faces criticism about the style of leadership he's taking in his defense of the contentious and costly economic stimulus bill.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Baby Thrown Away Alive

Lawsuit: Florida Clinic Botched Abortion, Threw Out Live Baby

If these allegations are true, a murder occurred.

A proper analysis of this situation (and numerous others like it) reveals a heartbreaking irony-

If the abortion procedure had gone according to plan, I doubt this story would have made the news. (Millions of “normal” abortions never make headlines.)

But something allegedly went wrong, and this baby purportedly left the womb and began breathing. Therefore, people are outraged, and rightly so; however, this simple fact remains: regardless of whether or not this particular abortion procedure was botched, the ultimate fate of this pre-born baby did not change. Her life still ended. That was the plan all along.

If you are like most people, the thought that this baby may have been alive when she was thrown away tears at your soul. Something within you cries out in adamant objection protesting the clear violation of law that not only recognizes the intrinsic value of her life but calls for the protection of her life as well. Perhaps you are thinking, “If that baby was alive after she was born, she deserved to live!”

I humbly ask, “If the baby was alive before she was born, did she still deserve to live?”

Something within us should recognize that simply because the location of this defenseless baby changed, it should not change the value of her life, or the level of protection she should receive.

Update: Fla. doctor loses license after botched abortion

Stickin' it to 'em

Pass my bill or this is the end

Washington Post

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama Train wreck . . .

From Fox News:
Tom Daschle has withdrawn his nomination for health and human services secretary, after fielding mounting criticism over his failure to pay more than $130,000 in taxes.
Obama's pick to be the White House's first performance officer, Nancy Killefer, also withdrew her nomination on Tuesday because of her own tax liabilities, namely a $946 tax lien imposed by the D.C. government for failure to pay $298 in unemployment compensation tax on household help.
Noting the importance of the post, Killefer wrote in her withdrawal letter to the president that "my personal tax issue of D.C. unemployment tax could be used to create exactly the kind of distraction and delay those duties must avoid."

From Breitbart:
Daschle was the third high-profile Obama nominee to bow out. Obama initially had tapped Bill Richardson to be Commerce secretary, but the New Mexico governor withdrew amid a grand jury investigation into a state contract awarded to his political donors.