Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dreaming Isn't Enough

Thank you for visiting the Cook Account!

Here's a challenging thought-

Don't just DREAM big dreams. WORK to make those dreams reality. Anyone can daydream, hope, and wish for great things to happen. We must actually attempt those great things. The attempt is always a standard prerequisite to the accomplishment. Nothing great was ever accomplished by accident. Some may fail in their attempt to make a great dream reality, but everyone that never attempts to make that great dream a reality WILL fail every time to see their dream come true.

What great dream do you wish to accomplish? What is on your heart? I'm not talking about the "selfish ambition dreams" that involve climbing the ladder of success for personal gain. I'm talking about the, "Let's make a difference in people's lives" dreams. I'm talking about the "Leave the world a better place than you found it" dreams. Do you have those? I hope so. What's keeping you from acting out those dreams? Those obstacles don't deserve to stand in your way. Tear them down, and build right on top of them!

Work hard, have a positive impact on those around you, and attempt great things.

If three or four minutes a day reading The Cook Account benefits you (even just a little bit) tell your friends about it.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Elfinesmom said...

I used to have those kinds of dreams. In the beginning they were the selfish kind. Then when my life got back on track they were the, "leave the world in a better state then when you found it" kind.

Now I've realized that both of these kinds are superfluous. Now I only have ONE dream. That's to fullfill every "dream" God has for me. If he wants to use me to change this world than I will be proud to follow where he leads me. But if he wants me to stay humble and be a janitor raising 4 kids on welfare while being a light to those around me with my servants heart then that's what I'll do.

I've recently learned that it's not in God's plan for us all to be rich globe-trotting prophets. You have to lay all your dreams at the cross.