Friday, April 6, 2007

Never Settle for Average

People may attempt to refute your skill, intelligence, or ability, but they should never be able to refute your passion, drive, and determination.

How many people live their entire lives with the anchor of negative circumstances dragging the bottom of the ocean floor? I would hate to look back over my life and think, “What more could I have done, if I had refused to use my circumstances as an excuse to be average?” Or, “How many people could I have helped if I had cut lose the anchor of negative circumstances and determined in my mind to attempt something great?”

Do you want to be average? Subconsciously we know that it is safe to be average. Average doesn’t bother people. Average doesn’t set the standard higher for others, and average never falls flat on its face in an attempt at greatness.

Have you ever thought, “If I stay right here, I won’t fail trying to do something above average?” Don’t buy into that lie. Realize that average fails. Average fails at becoming great. Average fails at breaking the mold. Average fails at finding a better solution for problems, and average will never blaze a new trail for others to follow.

To break away from the circle of mediocrity, set your circumstances aside. Where you grew up doesn’t matter. Who your parents are is irrelevant. The person who said you would “never amount to anything” became a failure as soon as they said that about you.

If one negative comment or remark can cause you to change course and give up, then is what you are fighting for worth all that much to begin with? If your goal or dream is truly worth it, nothing and no one will be able to stop you.

The highest summit offers the most spectacular view, but it also usually requires the steepest, most difficult ascent. Be prepared for adversity and negative circumstances, and then, conquer your mountain.


Sandra said...

Wow! What a challenge! And may we never be afraid to attempt what God has told us to do. So often we allow fear to control us--it can hinder our relationships with people, and it can hinder our dreams. Thank you for the challenge to never settle for average!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cook,
I read this one over & over just to remind my self that last thing I want to think is

“What more could I have done, if I had refused to use my circumstances as an excuse to be average?”

This is one of my biggest fears! This is what differentiates the average & the world class. Who’s willing to take the risk?

The hardest task one can have is to continue to love his fellows despite all reasons he should not.