Saturday, May 5, 2007

Oops! I Made Another Person Upset

Yesterday, my article Politics, Timetables, and War was published on under the title, "President Bush Is Doing What Is Best."

Below is the text of an email I received in reply to my opinion.
Below the email you will find my reply.

"Yes, Jeremiah, Americans did and do understand the consequences of failure in Iraq. Your Georgie Boy is the one who didn't understand the consequences of starting a war that couldn't be won. We should have stayed to run the Taliban out of Afghanistan, but NNNOOO! that wouldn't get us any oil, now would it? Cheney (the anti-christ), Rove (the devil), and Rummy, Wofie and all the neo-cons are the ones who led GWB down this garden path, "they'll greet us with roses" "the war will pay for itself with oil" "it'll be over in a matter of days" blah, blah, blah. Start reading, start watching something besides Fox news, sign up for duty yourself.

your boy George opened Pandora's box when he sent our American boys over there to do - what? Saddam was bluffing and Colin Powell and George Tenet knew it, they just didn't have the guts to speak up. Saddam could have been ousted with much less, and really, although he was a tyrant, he was the glue holding that potential stick of dynamite together! Now he is gone and all the tribal wars that have raged for hundreds of years have re-emerged, except that now our American soldiers are there in the middle of this feud, not really on anyone's side, just sitting ducks, waiting to be shot. No wonder they are in little pieces (mentally and physically) when they get home.

I don't know how we'll ever get out of this mess Boy George got us into! Any ideas from you, Mr. TN Temple?

We wouldn't be having this fight over funding right now if GWB had the guts to put the war in the regular pentagon and defense department budget, as is customary. But he was used to getting a blank check from Congress (after all, they were handsomely paid for their defense contract budgets). All he's doing right now is a show, but Congress is trying to pin him down to a real plan. for getting the soldiers home!
God save us all"

(my reply)
"Thank you for your comments. Several months ago I applied for Officer Candidate School in the United States Marine Corps. Last week I was notified that my irregular heart beat had disqualified me from their selection process. Of course I was very disappointed.

I'm currently looking into the possibility of any other branch of the armed forces accepting me, so I can help fight for the cause of what I believe is noble and good.

I understand we have strong differences in opinion, and I respect yours. However, my respect for you is damaged somewhat by your name calling.

Again, thank you for your opinion and thank you for reading mine."


Anonymous said...

are you seriously looking into going into the military? I would be so happy to refer you. grace

Kelley McNabb said...

Hey, does this person have the initials MPM?

Jeremiah Cook said...

i'm not sure.