Saturday, March 31, 2007

Why I Am a Conservative

Our country stands at the threshold of two corridors- new dreams with great accomplishments or mediocrity and the status quo.

The philosophies of lawmakers and other leaders will determine which corridor our country selects. To say that our country is in one of the most crucial times in its history is a drastic understatement.

When I spent ten days in Israel, I witnessed first hand the need for a strong, astute foreign policy as well as a prepared military. President Ronald Reagan implemented ingenious conservative ideals to help end the Cold War, and as our country now faces a war unlike any other, I believe conservative philosophies clearly provide the best means to combat our enemies. I disagree with people who wish to cut defense spending, negotiate with terrorists, and neglect the severity of the threat Islamic extremism poses to our civilization.

It appalls me to hear any politician talk of “doing everything necessary” to protect our country and its citizens, but consistently lack the intestinal fortitude to stomach the unpleasant options that automatically accompany protecting our nation. When any decent and good nation, civilization, people group, etc. is threatened by another nation, group, or organization capable of such harm as what we endured on September 11, 2001, that good nation does not have the luxury of “pleasant options.”

One of the strongest foundations of our society is the establishment and respect for the family. President Reagan once said, “All great change in America begins at the dinner table.” Many great civilizations have begun their downfall when the morals of their citizens began to erode. Today, we can clearly see an attack on the American family, and we must face the fact that the demise of the American family will spell the demise of our country. Therefore, as a conservative I believe it is imperative at this time more now than ever to stand for the values of the traditional American family. It must be protected, and I believe that a conservative political philosophy offers a more favorable platform towards the American family than any other.

In contrast to national opinion polls, my respect for President Bush has grown as he has resolved to tackle issues that others have chosen to neglect, and endeavored to right wrongs that some would have overlooked. To neglect and accept certain problems as the status quo is not a sign of true leadership.

I believe it was brave and bold for the President to advocate Social Security reform. The system needs improvement before an even larger problem exists. Unfortunately, the liberal philosophy on this issue remains the same as it has been regarding many of the President’s policies during his tenure- an attitude of negativity and little foresight. Frankly, I see no future in a policy of pessimism. True conservative philosophy, when implemented selflessly, is optimistic, insightful, and proven.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Premature Troop Withdrawal Would Have Horrible Ramifications

Democrats have succeeded in passing a timetable on troop withdrawals for Iraq. President Bush vows to veto it.

The Democrats also succeeded in one more thing- sending a message to our enemies: “Fight us as hard as you can, and we will leave and let you win.”

Whether we like it or not, we ARE engaged in this struggle, and for us to walk away and just give up because things are not going well, would be a huge mistake with horrible long term consequences.

To those calling for a premature withdrawal, I pose the following questions: What will happen to Iraq when our troops leave? Will the sectarian violence cease when coalition boots are no longer on the ground? Would people stop dying if our troops were to leave now? Of course not.

As we watch our brave soldiers dying on TV, our hearts break and many of us cry out, “Stop this! Do whatever it takes to keep our brave sons and daughters from dying!” Of course the quickest way to get our soldiers out of harm’s way is to get them out of the danger zone of Iraq. Therefore, most Democrats and many Americans are calling for this.

I wish the situation was that simple. Even those calling for withdrawal admit the strong possibility that if our troops were to leave now, Iraq would descend into inconceivable chaos. If we leave, and Iraq becomes a safe haven for terrorist to plan more attacks like 9-11, and Iraq gives Iran a comfortable place to promote their horrific agenda, the next battle we will have to fight with the Islamic extremists will be even worse than the one we are engaged in today.

Today’s main battlefield is Iraq. If we give them Iraq, the battlefield will shift closer. Do not be fooled. We WILL have to fight the Islamic extremists. It is only a question of where. Make no mistake about it. This struggle will continue. The battlefield will either be over there or over here. Whether it is in the streets of Baghdad or on a airliner over the skies of New York, Pennsylvania, or D.C., Americans will have to fight.

Therefore, let us choose to have these terrorists hunted down and killed by our brave soldiers on their side of the world, rather than our innocent civilians hunted down and killed by these terrorists on our side of the world.

When a group of people want to destroy your way of life, there are no pleasant options.
September 11th proved this.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fear Trembles at the Sight of Confidence

A sufficient level of confidence has helped you get to where you are. Insufficient confidence will keep you there.

Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from attempting your goals. Fear stands guard at the door of success, intimidating many who approach its threshold, but Fear immediately trembles at the sight of Confidence.

A sufficient level of confidence has helped you get to where you are. Insufficient confidence will keep you there. Find that confidence. Its imperative.

What fear is keeping you from attempting something great? The fear of failure? Ridicule? Regret? Don’t buy into the mentality that others are supposed to reach the pinnacle of greatness while you gaze at them with envy and amazement. If you believe that lie, even subconsciously, you will never even begin to ascend the mountain.

Understand that the fear of failure and the unknown is just an excuse. It’s an excuse to stay where it is safe. Generally speaking, people feel more secure where they are right now, compared to how they feel about going somewhere or doing something new. Yes, that new place, that new goal, is full of uncertainties, but a fear of those uncertainties will completely rob you of success in what you are supposed to do.

The greater the task, the greater the difficulty, the greater the excuses we will come up with to get out of the challenge. The greater the task, the greater the difficulty, the greater the faith and devotion it will take to complete that task.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do. So . . . sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wins in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain.

You are up to the challenge!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Clock is Ticking

Iran to Suspend Cooperation With Nuke Watchdog Over Sanctions,2933,261084,00.html

TEHRAN, Iran —“Iran isn't backing down after a unanimous vote by the U.N. Security Council to impose sanctions, announcing Sunday that it will partially suspend cooperation with the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency and will be adjusting relations with those nations who voted for sanctions.”

So Iran is continuing to play hard ball. Is anyone surprised? They have really stepped it up this week- kidnapping at gun point 15 British Sailors and Marines, and now telling the U.N. in effect, “You impose sanctions on us [for not cooperating with you,] and we will cooperate with you even less.”

The U.N. and the American people must realize that the radical regime in Iran is under no obligation to cooperate with us, and they know that. We’re running out of time very quickly.

“In response to the vote, the Iranian Cabinet also decided to stop informing U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency of any new steps or decisions in its nuclear weapons program,” -this of course, is one more step in their development of a nuclear weapon.

When I was in Washington, D.C., about two weeks ago, I had the chance to shake hands with former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In his speech, he drew a parallel between now and WWII. He said that the year is 1938, Iran is Germany, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Adolph Hitler. He has been saying things like that for some time, and when he first started making that assertion, he was called an alarmist. He was told he was overreacting, and his rhetoric could be provocative. Well, those name callers are quieting down now as Iran begins to appear like 1938 Germany more and more every hour. Only this time, the technology they are seeking is one hundred times more powerful.

Granted, the American people have a lot on their plate right now, but why are we engulfed with things like the firing of federal prosecutors and how Anna Nicole Smith died, while “Nazi Germany, The Sequel” plays its theatrical trailer to the horror flick it plans to market?

Will we once again be guilty of doing nothing as evil prepares to triumph?

Dreaming Isn't Enough

Thank you for visiting the Cook Account!

Here's a challenging thought-

Don't just DREAM big dreams. WORK to make those dreams reality. Anyone can daydream, hope, and wish for great things to happen. We must actually attempt those great things. The attempt is always a standard prerequisite to the accomplishment. Nothing great was ever accomplished by accident. Some may fail in their attempt to make a great dream reality, but everyone that never attempts to make that great dream a reality WILL fail every time to see their dream come true.

What great dream do you wish to accomplish? What is on your heart? I'm not talking about the "selfish ambition dreams" that involve climbing the ladder of success for personal gain. I'm talking about the, "Let's make a difference in people's lives" dreams. I'm talking about the "Leave the world a better place than you found it" dreams. Do you have those? I hope so. What's keeping you from acting out those dreams? Those obstacles don't deserve to stand in your way. Tear them down, and build right on top of them!

Work hard, have a positive impact on those around you, and attempt great things.

If three or four minutes a day reading The Cook Account benefits you (even just a little bit) tell your friends about it.

Have a great day!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Invaluable Friends

Sometimes in life God allows us to be fortunate enough to meet people that we know we will be friends with the rest of our lives.

David Carrel lived across the hall from me my freshman year of college. My sophomore year we ran against each other for SGA president. First place received the office of president, while second place received vice-president, and we were the only two running, so needless to say, we worked together in SGA that year. By Christmas of 2004 we had become close friends. Dave's character, honesty, and integrity have always impressed and inspired me.

Currently, Dave and his wife, Sarah, are raising support to serve God on the mission field in Amazonas, Brazil. Their love for God and their love for people has resulted in their total committal to what they believe is right, just, and true. On my main page you will find a link or two about their goals and plans. Check their site out and take a minute to pray for them as they persevere in their calling.

God bless you guys, David and Sarah. You have blessed me.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

You Are a Leader

You are a leader. Do you realize that?

You are definitely a leader. You have followers. You might not see them walking right behind you, or staring at you waiting for you to give them orders, but they are listening and they are watching. They may be your friends, classmates, roommates, or co-workers.

You are a leader because you have influence. Leadership IS influence. What does a politician do? He influences people. What does a pastor do? He influences people. What does a pro athlete do? He influences people. What does a teacher do? He influences people. They are all leaders, and you are a leader too, because you influence people ever day whether you realize it or not.

The level of influence you have will be different than everyone else, but you still have influence. When you said, “Let’s . . . . .” you were being a leader. When your friend said, “What do you think?” and you gave your opinion, you influenced your friend. Every group of friends generally has one to three “ringleaders” that have the most influence, but everyone in the group has influence at one time or another, and therefore everyone in the group is a leader at some point. Not only do you have influence by saying what you are thinking or giving your opinion, you have influence by not saying what you are thinking and neglecting to give your opinion. Someone in your group may feel the same way you do, but they will only speak up if someone else says what they are thinking first, and when you don’t voice your opinion you may inadvertently lead in the wrong direction. Remember, silence implies consent.

Your influence and subsequent leadership extends beyond your group of friends as well. No matter who you are, someone younger than you has looked up to you and thought about being like you at some point. Remember when you were twelve and thought about how you wanted to be just like that sixteen year old that had his driver’s license? Now sixteen year olds look up to you and think about how they want to be like “that college student.” For example, Temple Academy students are watching all of us, and it goes right up the chain. Brand new college students watch all the upper classmen, sophomores watch the juniors, and so on.

What are you influencing people do you? Is your influence positive or negative?

You have influence. You are a leader. Use it for good.

Keep that in mind today.

Make a Difference!

What does it mean to make a difference?
This phrase usually implies having an impact on something for good. But have you ever thought about the fact that you make a difference no matter what you do? No matter what you do, you make a difference in either a positive or a negative way. When you passed that person on the sidewalk and said, “Hey!” or when you stayed after class to really listen to a friend’s problem, you made a positive difference. When you ignored someone you felt like you should talk to, or neglected a problem you should resolve, you made a negative difference.

My challenge is this: make a positive difference every chance you get! You never know when the two minutes you spend talking to someone is really going to encourage them at a difficult time. You never know when a “Good job!” will make someone’s day and keep them smiling for hours.

During spring break, I went to Washington, D.C. and attended a political conference with over 6,000 people. The day the Vice-President spoke, security was very tight, and I noticed one security officer all by himself trying to direct hundreds of complaining and impatient people. No one seemed to listen to him, and as he yelled over the crowd attempting to manage the flow of traffic, his facial expression said, “I hate my job, and I’ll be glad when this is over.” When I reached him in line, I said, “Thank you. You’re doing a good job.” The immediate change in his expression surprised me. He cracked a quick smile and his eyes showed a sign of relief. I can’t remember exactly what he said to me, but it was as if he was thinking, “I am doing a good job. My job’s important, and someone appreciates what I’m doing.”

No doubt you have either encouraged someone along the same lines or been encouraged by someone in a similar way, and you know the positive effect kind words can have on someone. In summary, stay conscious of what kind of difference you are making at TTU. Is it positive or negative? Share a smile. Say, “Hey, how are you?” to someone you haven’t talked to very much. One of the great things about our “family sized student body” is exactly that- we are like a family, but we can also improve so much more.

Don’t believe the lie that a positive attitude isn’t important. How many people see your attitude on your face every day? Do you have a positive attitude that encourages and lifts people up, or do you have a negative one that always pulls people down, because whether you realize it or not, you’re either doing one or the other.

What do you think?

Evil Will Triumph If We Do Nothing

Also published in the Tuesday, March 27, 2007 edition of The Chattanooga Times Free Press letters to the editor.

Regardless of your political affiliation, it must be accepted that we are engaged in a struggle with Islamic extremism. It is important to understand that this clash is a generational struggle. If we ignore it, the struggle will not go away. It will only intensify.

I just returned from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee annual Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. The immense bi-partisan support for Israel was encouraging. Attending this conference and traveling to Israel in 2006 has enhanced my ability to view this struggle in a personal context:

Imagine the United States was the size of New Jersey, less than 60 years old, surrounded by hostile nations that have invaded numerous times, and one of the most powerful nations in the region is calling for the destruction of our country. The country bent on our annihilation is currently pressing full-steam ahead in their pursuit of nuclear weapons.

If that is not enough, this rogue nation already possesses missiles capable of reaching our country, and it would only take two nuclear weapons to kill over 50% of our population.
This is the situation for Israel.

Extremely serious, wouldn’t you agree?

Evil is attempting to triumph. Will we do nothing?