Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mike Huckabee and the Florida Debate

Now that the field is thinning, the American people can see more clearly that Mike Huckabee is the best candidate to become the 44th President of the United States.

Tonight at the debate, Gov. Huckabee proved this. He was clear, conscise, and compassionate. He spoke about families and sinlge parent homes. He pointed out problems that we will face if we do not make changes now, and he eloquently defended his positions while he outlined with excellence why he wants to serve this country.

He has more experience running a government (10 and 1/2 years) than any other candidate.

Check out his website: and see for yourself.

I have looked at all the candidates and thought long and hard for over 2 years. I know without a doubt that Governor Mike Huckabee is the most qualified, most talented, most principled, and most authentic candidate.

I believe!

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