Speaking to voters this week, Obama insinuated his tax policies are an attempt to "spread the wealth around." He has made it clear that he wants everyone to become successful, and I commend him for inspiring people. But, he has also made it clear he believes that if you reach a certain point of "success" it's the government's job to take your money and give it to someone "less" successful.In other words, Sen. Obama will not raise your taxes until you become very successful. As his running mate would say, you should be "patriotic" and pay more taxes. I will make less than $26,000 this year, and I don't want a dime of someone else's money. If my fellow Americans have managed to make $260,000 instead of $26,000, God Bless them, and God bless the country they live in. I don't want a government that dramatically raises their taxes in an attempt to "help" me.
These "very successful" people are responsible for creating jobs. Who else can create jobs? When is the last time you got a job from a "poor" person? The rhetoric from my liberal friends implies people making "more money than the rest of us" are "greedy" or "wrong." This is outrageous. Some "rich" people are greedy, but they are still the one's that employ the American workforce and create new jobs for tomorrow.
Raising their taxes is a very poor idea in a volatile economy like ours. If I become a small business owner and my taxes go up, that hurts my ability to give my employees a raise, hire new workers, and expand my business.
Sen. Obama's plan is simply a thinly veiled form of socialism.