Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tony Snow

In a world that believes, “To win, you must steal, cheat, and deceive,” Tony Snow proved otherwise.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Iran's Missile Propaganda Malfunction

Drudge Report- Iran fakes missile test footage

Does it concern you that some people in Washington believe the United States should negotiate without preconditions with this regime?

Well, at least negotiations might give Iran a little more time to practice using Photoshop. (Or develop nuclear weapons.)

I wonder which one we should be more concerned about.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Iran Missile Tests

Iran Test-Fires More Missiles in Gulf; Rice Issues Warning

Yesterday, Senator Graham of South Carolina said the worse thing we can do is to do nothing, while we can still do something. Iran is either serious about their intent to destroy Israel, or they are just bluffing. Which scenario do you want to take your chances with? If you were living in Israel, would that affect your decision?

Previous Posts:
Possible attack on Iran . . . by Israel
Wake Up, America
Iran Pushes Forward
Pursue All Options; Prepare for War
The Clock is Ticking
Evil Will Triumph If We Do Nothing

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008


A previous post discussed the importance of wise decisions; however, today, I would like to briefly discuss the simplistic (but, often overlooked) fact that we make decisions nearly every second of the day.

When your alarm clock woke you up this morning, did you decide to get out of bed or hit the snooze button?
When you opened your closet, did you decide to wear the red shirt or the blue one?
When you looked in the mirror, did you decide to iron that shirt?
When you were running out the door, did you decide to grab a breakfast bar, or purchase something at work?
When you saw that light turn from green to yellow, did you decide to stop or speed up?
When you saw the speed limit sign, did you decide you were running late so the sign didn’t matter?
When you saw the police car on the side of the road, did you decide to slow down?
When you got a break at work, did you decide to call your spouse and say “I love you”?

We may never be able to count the number of decisions we make in a given day, but one thing is certain- “The decisions we make directly impact us and those around us.” Whether we realize it or not, we show the world what is valuable to us by the decisions we make, and we determine the destination of our lives by what we decide is important.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

One Country's Rejection of a Previously Accepted Evil

Every country has segments of its history that few, if any, of its citizens are proud of. Although it goes without saying that America has much more to be proud of than ashamed of, America is definitely no exception to the rule, as we do indeed have our own miserable segments of National history.

As I read this story about the man who recently tore the head off a new wax sculpture of the heinous German leader Adolf Hitler, the fact that "it is illegal in Germany to show Nazi symbols and art glorifying Hitler," caught my attention and reminded me that any nation guilty of accepting evil at one point in its history can still choose to reject that evil.

It is my constant hope that one day, all Americans will look back and say, "It is a good thing that we ended the Accepted Evil of abortion in our country, and closed that dark chapter of our history." Just as many Germans do with regard to Nazism, and fortunately, just as most Americans already do with regards to things like genocide, slavery, and segregation.

Friday, July 4, 2008


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Complete Document

How Can Someone Be Pro-life and Support the Death Penalty?

I am opposed to abortion not on the grounds that it is taking a human life, but because it is taking an innocent human life. When a person is given the death penalty in our justice system after they have committed a heinous crime, that person is no longer innocent- they have been deemed guilty and convicted by a group of their peers after a due process after they have committed the crime.

The unborn are given death before they have been given the chance to even commit a crime.

You and I were allowed to live beyond the 7-9 month gestation period, and we can now choose to do whatever we please. We can live our lives however we want- even commit crimes if we want to- at least until the justice system kicks in, and we are arrested, taken to court, convicted, or released. The unborn are never given that chance. In my opinion, they experience a different “justice system;” they are never arrested, or taken to court, but they are most definitely sentenced to death.

The contrast is guilty versus innocent. Today, America grants the right to choose to throw away or keep innocent lives, while some anti-death penalty citizens fight to prolong the lives of those deemed guilty by our justice system, and that bothers me, partially because the unborn haven’t done anything wrong.

Of course, I know there are many more issues facing our country and most of them are of legitimate importance. The pro-life/pro-choice issue just happens to be the one I am the most passionate about.

Response to Obama Supporter

A discussion recently took place on regarding Senator Obama, and I decided to chime in. A certain Mr. Neff made the assertion that Christ does not approve of the taking of innocent life, and while I wholeheartedly agree with him, I believe that such an assertion is an extremely flawed avenue to take when defending or promoting Sen. Obama, primarily due to the fact that Sen. Obama appears to have little or no problem with the taking of an innocent life in or after an abortion- even a failed abortion in which the child is 100% alive.

(click here for the full article on the Chattanoogan)

(letter to Mr. Neff)

Mr. Charlie Neff,

Thank you for voicing your views and taking interest in our great American experiment in government. I would rather have 50% of the American people involved in the political process opposed to conservative principles, than have 50% of the American people indifferent and apathetic towards the entire political process. I’m glad you are at least engaged.

To the point:You said, ". . .but as I understand Scripture, I don’t think Christ would approve of bringing about the deaths of thousands of innocent victims as our little adventure in Iraq has done. . ."Sir, as I understand Scripture, Christ would not approve of bringing about the deaths of thousands of innocent victims as our acceptance of abortion as done.

No, Christ does not approve of the taking of innocent life, and Barack Obama's political views are quite contrary to "what Christ approves." In fact, Sen. Obama's repeated opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act as a state senator raises serious questions as to whether or not Sen. Obama believes a child that survives an abortion- living, breathing, and heart beating- should be provided protection under the law. Congress passed this measure easily. Obama opposed it in Illinois; therefore, I believe this places him on the extreme fringe of liberalism, and further left than Sen. Kennedy, Boxer, or Kerry.

I also firmly believe every life has equal value. Sen. Obama clearly does not.

Jeremiah Cook

Learn more about Sen. Obama's repeated opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by clicking on the links below.
Transcript of Obama's verbal opposition to Born Alive on the IL Senate floor
Obama's "no" vote on the IL Senate floor
Jill Stanek
Citizen Link
Human Events
Illinois Right to Life

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Perspective Questions on Life

What does a mute person want to say more than anything?
What does a blind person want to see more than anything?
What does a deaf person want to hear more than anything?
What does a paralyzed person want to feel more than anything?
Where does a cripple person want to walk more than anywhere?

What does an unborn child want to experience more than anything?


How long would the unborn want to live? Breathe? Exist? Nine months? A few years? A lifetime?

How long would you want to live?
How long DO you want to live?

What would the unborn want to know more than anything? That they were wanted?
What would the unborn want to say more than anything? May I live, please? Mom? Dad?
What would the unborn want to see more than anything? Their mother’s smile?
What would the unborn want to hear more than anything? Their father’s voice?
What would the unborn want to feel more than anything? Their father’s embrace?
Where would the unborn want to go more than anywhere? Their mother’s arms?

What would the unborn ask to be given?


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Trash Bins Searched as Woman Tells Police Boyfriend Threw Away Baby

DETROIT — Detroit area authorities say they have been searching for a newborn whose mother told them was thrown away by her boyfriend. The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press and broadcast reports say police were looking for the baby Tuesday night and Wednesday morning following the 29-year-old woman's examination Tuesday at a hospital. They are also searching for her 35-year-old boyfriend, the baby's father. The Detroit woman, who was bloodied and caked with mud when she checked herself into the hospital, said she had suffered a miscarriage. But police say she later said her boyfriend had taken the baby from her and threw it into a trash bin. Officials don't know if the baby is alive.

I've seen three cases similar to this one in the past two weeks. As more situations like this occur, I believe an alarming number of people in our culture are unknowingly slipping into a mentality that life is only valuable if that particular life is wanted. I fear the outcry over horrible crimes like this one (if in fact, a crime did occur) is dwindling. America continues to embrace the Accepted Evil of abortion as more and more people become desensitized to reports that newborns are being thrown away like trash, left in a toilet, or taken to a laundry room to die.

If you consider yourself Pro-life, when is the last time you did something to promote the pro-life cause? When is the last time you showed compassion and care for a single mother or pregnant teenager? How often do you share your pro-life views with your co-workers, or attempt to keep them informed about situations like this one and the need to value every life.

Many good organizations and hard-working concerned citizens are presenting and arguing the pro-life case every day, and I commend them. I simply challenge you to recommit to this cause.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Same Sex Marriage- Chuck Colson sounds the alarm . . .

The Coming Persecution

Is there a hidden agenda in the Same -Sex Marriage movement?
According to Colson:
"It is about forcing religious believers to accept the validity of the homosexual lifestyle—or else."

Possible attack on Iran . . . by Israel

ABC News Story : Pentagon Official Warns of Israeli Attack on Iran

Israel has every right to protect its own people.

If our nation was the size of New Jersey, surrounded by hostile nations (which had already attempted to destroy us) and we were currently faced with a Holocaust denying radical president calling for our destruction, would we not consider a military strike to protect our country and prevent him from obtaining nuclear weapons?

(It would only take 2 atomic bombs to kill nearly half the Israeli population.)

Serious indeed. And, I believe if the United States was in the same situation, we would be taking the rising crisis as serious as the Israelis.

A lot more could be said here, and I understand the fears people have of possible retaliation if Israel or the United States attacked Iran, but with all of that taken into consideration, the risk of a nuclear attack on Israeli soil may be determined to be too great to avoid military intervention and simply hope for the best. (That philosophy ran into a little trouble in the '30s and '40s, and we would be foolish to attempt it again.)