Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Possible attack on Iran . . . by Israel

ABC News Story : Pentagon Official Warns of Israeli Attack on Iran

Israel has every right to protect its own people.

If our nation was the size of New Jersey, surrounded by hostile nations (which had already attempted to destroy us) and we were currently faced with a Holocaust denying radical president calling for our destruction, would we not consider a military strike to protect our country and prevent him from obtaining nuclear weapons?

(It would only take 2 atomic bombs to kill nearly half the Israeli population.)

Serious indeed. And, I believe if the United States was in the same situation, we would be taking the rising crisis as serious as the Israelis.

A lot more could be said here, and I understand the fears people have of possible retaliation if Israel or the United States attacked Iran, but with all of that taken into consideration, the risk of a nuclear attack on Israeli soil may be determined to be too great to avoid military intervention and simply hope for the best. (That philosophy ran into a little trouble in the '30s and '40s, and we would be foolish to attempt it again.)

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