Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spread the Wealth (cont'd)

Speaking to voters this week, Obama insinuated his tax policies are an attempt to "spread the wealth around." He has made it clear that he wants everyone to become successful, and I commend him for inspiring people. But, he has also made it clear he believes that if you reach a certain point of "success" it's the government's job to take your money and give it to someone "less" successful.In other words, Sen. Obama will not raise your taxes until you become very successful. As his running mate would say, you should be "patriotic" and pay more taxes. I will make less than $26,000 this year, and I don't want a dime of someone else's money. If my fellow Americans have managed to make $260,000 instead of $26,000, God Bless them, and God bless the country they live in. I don't want a government that dramatically raises their taxes in an attempt to "help" me.

These "very successful" people are responsible for creating jobs. Who else can create jobs? When is the last time you got a job from a "poor" person? The rhetoric from my liberal friends implies people making "more money than the rest of us" are "greedy" or "wrong." This is outrageous. Some "rich" people are greedy, but they are still the one's that employ the American workforce and create new jobs for tomorrow.
Raising their taxes is a very poor idea in a volatile economy like ours. If I become a small business owner and my taxes go up, that hurts my ability to give my employees a raise, hire new workers, and expand my business.
Sen. Obama's plan is simply a thinly veiled form of socialism.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you don't WANT a dime or NEED a dime, but others very well may. I think there are several things that people miss here. A) We have, for our GDP per capita, extremely low minimum wage numbers, B) The largest wealth distribution gap by proportion in the industrialized first world. Several nations that actually make MORE than us have vastly lower income gaps despite similar intelligence, patent rates, employment rates, etc..., C) Not everyone has the innate ability to ever "pull themselves up by their bootstraps". There is no kicking contest in the womb to determine who is blessed with great intellect or speed or any other attributes, nor are people allowed to choose the social environment that shapes them (especially at early ages). To say to those only given an IQ of 85, that, despite their flaming ambition and intense work ethic, that they will likely not make more than $30 or $35k even after a long tenure at a given job, not be able to afford even a modest home and not be able to support a family, when this country is more flush with overall riches than almost all, is a travesty.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you don't WANT a dime or NEED a dime, but others very well may. I think there are several things that people miss here. A) We have, for our GDP per capita, extremely low minimum wage numbers, B) The largest wealth distribution gap by proportion in the industrialized first world. Several nations that actually make MORE than us have vastly lower income gaps despite similar intelligence, patent rates, employment rates, etc..., C) Not everyone has the innate ability to ever "pull themselves up by their bootstraps". There is no kicking contest in the womb to determine who is blessed with great intellect or speed or any other attributes, nor are people allowed to choose the social environment that shapes them (especially at early ages). To say to those only given an IQ of 85, that, despite their flaming ambition and intense work ethic, that they will likely not make more than $30 or $35k even after a long tenure at a given job, not be able to afford even a modest home and not be able to support a family, when this country is more flush with overall riches than almost all, is a travesty.

David and Sarah Carrel said...

The problem with his plan is that the money goes to people who are irresponsible with their money. I make a minimal amount of money per year, yet I am continuing to save and save. With responsibility and hard work, anyone in America can be rich. Seriously, it does not take a high IQ to be rich.
The lower income people generally are bad with their money. They smoke, are alcoholics, play the lotto, buy drugs, and do whatever with their money (sometimes welfare money). If they were not so lazy, they would not waste everyone else's hard earned money. Mr. Cook makes a great point saying that if the "on paper" rich small business owners, or large business owners are not able to afford to give raises, hire more, whatever, the economy will continue to spiral.
Spreading the wealth is not the answer. We have too many people in the US that cannot be trusted with money.