Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This smells like the Soviet Union

What do "Joe the Plumber," Barbara West, Chris May, and Angela Russell have in common?
They all asked challenging (but respectful) questions of the Obama/Biden campaign and received very harsh treatment in return.

Joe Wurzelbacher’s personal life was hacked and scrutinized like he was public enemy number one. Barbara West’s TV station was banned from further interviews and her husband’s life was misrepresented to paint her as a right-wing hit woman.

Soviet Union indeed.



Anonymous said...

Jeremiah, are you really serious? Who brought Joe the Plumber into the limelight and tried to use him and it has backfired? YOu would think Joe the Plumber was his running mate.
What did Barbara West really mean by comparing Obama to Karl Max?
I smell desparation here. I think your party should go back and regroup and choose a better candidate for the next time round.
Your party should tell us what it is going to do for us and not what the other party is going to do.

Jeremiah Cook said...

Joe the Plumber did not backfire. His question that revealed Obama's plan to "spread the wealth" has raised doubts in the minds of many undecided voters.

You didn't address the smears against him. It sounds like you are saying, "McCain brought him in, so it’s ok if Obama and Biden make fun of him, and the liberal media attempt to smear him. So it's McCain's fault Joe is attacked."
The attacks against him are smearing propaganda.
Anonymous, that is DIRECTLY out of the Soviet Union playbook. Your rebuttal proves my point.

If you look at what Obama/Biden are saying, it is perfectly reasonable to ask about socialism and Marxism. And it is a life-long theme for Obama:
Read here:

McCain has made it clear what he is going to do: cut taxes for everyone, strengthen our military, and cut excess spending.

McCain must reveal what Obama is going to do. Obama is hiding what he will do.

Finally, I have a feeling we know each other, and I wish I knew who you were. (I probably wouldn't be as upset with you.) :)

Anonymous said...

But with Joe, he is milking all of this lime light. there are rumors that he is planning to run for a government office. So his life may be topsy turvy now, but he plans to use this to the best of his ability. The news stations in NE Ohio like to keep tabs on him, and McCain is using him in his adds, so now that he has nation wide attention he is making bigger plans. So I don't think Joe is complaining any more.