Response to Obama Supporter
A discussion recently took place on regarding Senator Obama, and I decided to chime in. A certain Mr. Neff made the assertion that Christ does not approve of the taking of innocent life, and while I wholeheartedly agree with him, I believe that such an assertion is an extremely flawed avenue to take when defending or promoting Sen. Obama, primarily due to the fact that Sen. Obama appears to have little or no problem with the taking of an innocent life in or after an abortion- even a failed abortion in which the child is 100% alive.
(click here for the full article on the Chattanoogan)
(letter to Mr. Neff)
Mr. Charlie Neff,
Thank you for voicing your views and taking interest in our great American experiment in government. I would rather have 50% of the American people involved in the political process opposed to conservative principles, than have 50% of the American people indifferent and apathetic towards the entire political process. I’m glad you are at least engaged.
To the point:You said, ". . .but as I understand Scripture, I don’t think Christ would approve of bringing about the deaths of thousands of innocent victims as our little adventure in Iraq has done. . ."Sir, as I understand Scripture, Christ would not approve of bringing about the deaths of thousands of innocent victims as our acceptance of abortion as done.
No, Christ does not approve of the taking of innocent life, and Barack Obama's political views are quite contrary to "what Christ approves." In fact, Sen. Obama's repeated opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act as a state senator raises serious questions as to whether or not Sen. Obama believes a child that survives an abortion- living, breathing, and heart beating- should be provided protection under the law. Congress passed this measure easily. Obama opposed it in Illinois; therefore, I believe this places him on the extreme fringe of liberalism, and further left than Sen. Kennedy, Boxer, or Kerry.
I also firmly believe every life has equal value. Sen. Obama clearly does not.
Jeremiah Cook
Learn more about Sen. Obama's repeated opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by clicking on the links below.
Transcript of Obama's verbal opposition to Born Alive on the IL Senate floor
Obama's "no" vote on the IL Senate floor
Jill Stanek
Citizen Link
Human Events
Illinois Right to Life
Nobody on earth approves of or likes abortion - this is true whether you are Jesus or Obama or me.
The question is whether a woman has the freedom to do what she wishes with her own body including removing an unborn fetus.
Before deciding whether Jesus would allow a woman this freedom of having an abortion, it would be useful for you to understand what Jesus really stood for.
Perhaps you need to take the Jesus Test at . You maybe surprised at the results.
Dave, thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts.
"The question is whether a woman has the freedom to do what she wishes with her own body including removing an unborn fetus."
I strongly disagree with the premise of this sentence. Personally, I do not believe anyone should have the freedom to end the innocent life of someone else. You use the term unborn fetus. I use the term unborn child.
In my personal opinion, the unborn child is not her own body. The unborn is simply inside her body and for a period of 5 to 6 months is totally reliant upon his or her mother.
Technology is advancing rapidly- in both areas- how to better remove the unborn from the womb to end their life, and how to better remove the unborn from the womb to save their life.
More here.
What would you propose we do if our technology advances to the point that a child/fetus can be removed from the womb 3 months after conception and placed in an artificial womb and still survive? One month after conception? A week? A day?
I'll look into the website you posted. I encourage you to look into the sites listed below if you have not already.
Hey Jeremiah,
I like what you are doing on hear. I agree with everything you are saying. Have you checked out the website "dave" recomended. It is pure garbage. It is amazing the words that people try to put in our Lord and Saviors mouth. Anyway keep up what you are doing here.
Thank you Marie. I hope you will continue to advance the pro-life cause and the protection of the most defensless humans on earth.
Thank you, Marie. I hope you will continue to advance the pro-life cause and work to protect the most defenseless humans on earth.
4 thoughts real quickly for you Jeremiah
1. Abortion is a hot button issue and America is divided very evenly on the issue. It seems difficult for me that the government should intervene in a issue that Americans feel so strongly about on both sides. Thus instead of mandating a universal stance on abortion, it should be left up to the individual to make this decision (conservative principles?)
2. I would appreciate it if instead of answering an attack about a policy in Iraq that you didn't bring up abortion. The person writing the article had a legitimate concern about Iraq and their are productive arguments for and against current Iraqi policies and public discourse would be best served if we debated those instead of unnecessarily infusing abortion into a debate about Iraq. Political discussion is best served when we debate the issues at hand instead of mixing them (the same goes to individuals who bring up the Iraq war in response to an abortion argument)
3. I think you raise good interesting points about abortion and your site provides a steady discussion on this issue. I however think that your site would be better suited providing debate and discourse on a variety of different subjects that aim to change in the next election. Other issues provide a better area for productive discourse, whereas abortion debate basically goes back and forth with the same arguments.
4. And if you really are interested in the abortion issue, I think your time would be better spent on working on different ways to decrease current abortion rates(astronomically high), such as education and responsible parenting.
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your comments.
If we were having this conversation at another time we could say-
"1. Slavery is a hot button issue and America is divided very evenly on the issue. It seems difficult for me that the government should intervene in a issue that Americans feel so strongly about on both sides. Thus instead of mandating a universal stance on slavery, it should be left up to the individual to make this decision (conservative principles?)"
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