John McCain for President
If you are considering a vote for Barack Obama, please read:
John McCain believes we should lower everyone’s taxes because lower taxes leaves more money in the pockets of consumers and producers to spend and re-invest in our economy which creates jobs and generates more revenue.
Barack Obama says he will lower 95% of working Americans’ taxes, but 95% of working Americans don’t pay taxes. He wants to drastically increase taxes on the top 5% of wage earners and businesses because they can “afford it” and paying higher taxes is “patriotic,” but this will increase prices and restrict the ability of those businesses to hire new employees.
John McCain supports pro-life legislation and believes life begins at conception.
Barack Obama believes that taking a position on when life begins is above his pay grade and has voted against pro-life legislation his entire career. Sen. Obama told Planned Parenthood that he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act which would repeal state restrictions on abortion, provide for tax payer funded abortions, and reinstate partial-birth abortion. Learn more here.
John McCain is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and his voting record proves it.
Barack Obama says he believes in the individual right to bear arms, but his voting record strongly contradicts that claim.
John McCain understands our military, the danger countries like North Korea and Iran present to America, and how to effectively fight the war on terrorism.
Barack Obama has made many questionable statements revealing a lack of consistency and comprehension of how to deal with these threats. (i.e. “Iran is a tiny country.” “Georgia should show restraint.” He has also said he will meet without preconditions with Ahmendinijad, and if his plan had been followed in Iraq, we would have left in defeat months ago and Iraq would have most likely descended into genocide and chaos.
The experience and readiness of Sen. McCain to function as Commander-in-Chief has never been legitimately questioned. Even Barack Obama supporters acknowledge Sen. McCain is capable. I believe one of the biggest reasons Sen. Obama has not been able to “close the deal” is the fact that so many questions still abound as to whether or not Sen. Obama is actually ready to hold the most powerful office in the world. His running mate reaffirmed this by warning that the world would test him less than six months after taking office, and Sen. Obama acknowledged this himself in 2004.
I firmly believe John McCain is more prepared to be President of the United States than Barack Obama.
Regardless of whether or not Barack Obama is elected President, this election may go down in the history books as the year many Americans voted tragically uninformed.
I ask you to join me in voting for John McCain and educating as many people as possible about these important issues.
Excellent post and noteworthy Information.
It is my deep concern, jeremiah, that this country's direction has fallen into the wayside of human reasoning, the dismissal of truth, and the abandonment God. How sad it is to know that a Country founded on Biblical Principles has reasoned to think that truth is unachievable, God is not God at all, life is not worth protecting, and Marriage is now subjective. The Reasoning behind this is no other than the culpurt of Satan himself, and the Post-Modernistic way of thinking. To think that in a span of over 200 years...Much has changed! However, God has Not! Nor will He!
May God convict us to stand for what is right and give us the faith we need to know that he is Control.
Prayer for this country has never been more important! May God have Mercy on this United States of America. Whom still states, IN GOD WE TRUST.
May God Bless America! And may we Stand, AlWAYS, for what is True!
Your fellow Brother in Christ,
Paul S. Laso
Thanks Jeremiah. According to scripture, people can either acknowledge God and His right to rule His creation, or they can be turned over to a reprobate mind. It appears that many in America now have that depraved mindset and someone to lead them. Lately I have been studying end-time events and so much of what is going on in America and around the world fits perfectly into prophecy. What we are witnessing in American politics confirms the fact that one day; the world will readily accept that man of deception.
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Lu 21:28)
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