Liberal Logical Fallacies
Posted on the Chattanoogan:
I have a few questions for the extreme far right conservative majority in this area. How can one be against abortion and for a strong military and wars, they both kill? If the liberals are going to tax everyone into poverty, why does the smartest and wealthiest capitalist in the world, Mr. Warren Buffet support Obama? Why under conservative control does this area rank at the bottom in the nation in so many economic categories? I believe we lead the nation in per capita bankruptcies, near the bottom regarding per capita income, and on the bottom regarding education, why?
Why was the economy so much better under Bill Clinton in the 90's? Maybe instead of inciting racism, fear, and social differences, we should concentrate on fixing our common problems.
Travis Fletcher
My reply:
With all due respect, your questions contain many logical fallacies.
First of all, you have misrepresented the pro-life view. The overarching position of the pro-life movement is the protection of every innocent life.
People who have decided to engage in battle against the United States are neither innocent nor defenseless. The unborn are. Terrorists have a choice. Aborted babies do not.
The deaths of innocent civilians in a conflict zone are tragic and unintentional.
Courageously, some Americans are constantly working on technology to limit the number of civilians killed during battle. T
he deaths of innocent civilians in the womb are tragic but intentional. Sadly, some Americans are constantly working on technology to increase the number of ways the unborn can be killed during gestation.
Secondly, with regard to Warren Buffet, you have misrepresented the conservative position. Sen. Obama wants to raise taxes on the highest wage earners and businesses. Conservatives believe this will cause a de facto price increase (to pay for the higher taxes), hinder a company’s capacity to increase wages, and limit a company’s ability to hire new employees.You have also implied that if a “wealthy capitalist” supports a political candidate, that political candidate must have superior ideas. This is faulty logic.
Finally, your statement about racism and fear should be backed up with specifics. Ambiguous statements like these carry dangerous implications and can be easily misconstrued as an attempt to not only highlight but incite the very things you are complaining about.
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