Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa Report
After driving all night from North Carolina, my brother and I arrived in Des Moines around 11am Wednesday morning. We made our way to the Huckabee for President headquarters and started phone calling.
To our surprise we found another person (John Heffner) who had left his home on Christmas Day as well to travel to Des Moines to pitch in and help in any way possible. Everyone at the headquarters was very kind, focused, and excited about Mike Huckabee.
It was exciting to call possible caucus goers and find out that not only did they plan on attending, but they are voting for Mike Huckabee as well.
David and I plan to remain in Des Moines until Saturday, when will we travel back to North Carolina to here our Dad speak at church Sunday morning.
If you live in the Des Moines area, take a couple hours this week (or a whole day) and come down to 519 Locust St. and put your weight into propelling Mike Huckabee to the White House!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Iowa or Bust
Today, my brother David and I, are embarking on a trip to Des Moines, Iowa. We plan to arrive at the Mike Huckabee for President headquarters on Locust St. sometime after noon on the 26th.
After David had the opportunity to see Mike speak at Liberty University several weeks ago, he called me and asked, "Are you still planning on going to Iowa?" I said, "Yes." And David replied, "I want to go with you."
So, here we go. (This will also be one of our last "adventures" together as David is engaged to be married to Stephanie Kona in 11 days.)
We believe with all our hearts that Gov. Huckabee is the best person to lead our country. He has more executive experience running a government than any other candidate- Democrat or Republican. His principles and convictions run deep, and after examining his life, listening to him speak, and watching him in many of the debates, we are persuaded that he cares more about the American people than anyone else running for President.
Mike Huckabee is authentic, and we are prepared to do whatever we can to help him become the 44th President of the United States!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Huckaboom . . . .Georgia!
According to the latest poll by InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion Research, conducted for the Georgia Chamber of Commerce.
Mike Huckabee (36%)
Rudy Giuliani (14%)
Mitt Romney (12%)
Fred Thompson (10%)
John McCain (10%)
Ron Paul (4%)
Duncan Hunter (2%)
Tom Tancredo* (1%)
Undecided (11%)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
"Mike Huckabee Would Make a Great Vice President," -Mitt Romney
This is . . . . well . . . odd-
As Mike Huckabee rises to the top of many polls, Mitt Romney has set his sights on him and begun blasting away. I believe the more Mitt Romney attacks Mike Huckabee, the more voters are going to realize that Romney is guilty of saying whatever he thinks is necessary to get elected, especially after what Romney said today-
“He’d [Mike Huckabee] make a great vice president. But I also think that the issues that we’re dealing with today are very important issues and it’s important for people to understand where we stand on issues.” -Mitt Romney, December 20, 2007.
Now intelligence demands the following question- "What!? Gov. Romney, how do you balance these statements with all the attacks you have shot at Gov. Huckabee?"
I've been saying this for a while now- All the candidates think Mike Huckabee would make a great Vice-President which demonstrates his ability to lead, because in my opinion, a person should never even be considered for Vice-President if they are not capable of being an excellent President.
Posted by Jeremiah Cook at 6:19 PM 22 Replies
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Mike Huckabee . . . Blazing a New Trail
Mike Huckabee has risen to the top, and in the process, he's been funny, witty, and sincere. Add these three qualities together and you get "authenticity." Well, guess what the other candidates are trying to be now? -Funny, witty, and sincere.
Mike Huckabee Continues to Shine
12-19-07 MSNBC:
Romney takes aim at Huckabee
12-19-07 MSNBC:
12-18-07 CNN:
New Poll: Giuliani 23, Huckabee 22
Last night, Sean Hannity proclaimed Mike Huckabee's political obituary . . . again.
But that's ok. Read this.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I Say Again . . .The Next Great Communicator, Mike Huckabee
If America really looks at Mike Huckabee and finds the truth, Mike Huckabee will be elected President.
Be patient and watch I'm talking about.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Merry Christmas from Mike Huckabee
This is the best political ad I have ever seen. Like a rejuvenating breath of fresh air, it gives a wonderful glimpse of how Mike Huckabee is becoming the next Great Communicator.
In this video, he looks like a caring Dad with a desire to look after the people he cares about. I also think he kinda looks like Ronald Reagan. Don't you? Read more from Newsweek.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Mike Huckabee is Unafraid
Mike Huckabee continues to demonstrate his boldness and courage to say what needs to be said and propose what needs to be done.
Click here to watch.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mike Huckabee Has Changed Everything
Most pundits are saying the Republican Debate in Iowa was void of fireworks or "heated debate." Why? Because Mike Huckabee has changed everything by staying positive and becoming the front-runner while doing it. He goes completely against conventional wisdom and proves all the Washington insiders wrong. In all the debates and interviews, his constant positive tone, his refusal to attack the other candidates, and his deliberate concentration on his ideas, has made every other candidate stop and rethink how they should debate.
His opponents will attack him in ads and mail outs, but he has flown his campaign so much higher than everyone else, they realize that they run the risk of looking like jerks if they go after Mike Huckabee personally in a debate. And, now his challengers know they can only go at him to a certain degree before voters will view their attacks as immature and beneath the new front-runner: Mike Huckabee.
Gov. Huckabee has changed everything. Go Mike!
ABC News ANALYSIS: Huckabee Shines in Lackluster Debate
Republicans miss last debate chance to wound surging Huckabee
GOP Hopefuls Restrained In Iowa Debate
"He'd make a fine president." -Mitt Romney speaking about Mike Huckabee
If some people are going to pull up what Mike Huckabee said 15 years ago and try to use it against him, they should also pull up what Mitt Romney said 2 years ago:
"Who knows what the future will hold? Most likely, we'll all stay as governors or find other offices, but we need to make sure that we have a strong person who can take the baton from President Bush, and Gov. Huckabee is certainly one of those individuals. He'd make a fine president." - Mitt Romney, August 2005
Read More
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Mike Huckabee on Hannity and Colmes 12-10-07
They can attack him all they want- Gov. Huckabee only gets better and better.
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's Official . . . Mike Huckabee is Neck and Neck With Giuliani
CNN Poll: Huckabee challenges Giuliani's front-runner status
CBS: Huckabee Soars
He's got the momentum. Check out why people are making the switch to Huckabee.
Mike Huckabee and Evangelicals
What is the "secret" to the former Arkansas Governor's success in Iowa? The liberal pundits would have you believe that it is all due to the "evangelical voters of Iowa." Now, I have no doubt the "Christian communities of Iowa" are stepping into Mike Huckabee's corner, and that is helping, but his support is much broader than that. If his recent surge in the Iowa polls is due only to the Christians of Iowa, how do you explain his rise in Michigan, South Carolina, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and even New Hampshire?
If current trends continue, the liberal media (who can not find any other explaination for Huckabee's rise) will have to start reporting that the number of Christians in Iowa (and the rest of the country for that matter) has somehow doubled over night.
By the way, Real Clear Politics has Gov. Huckabee in second place nationally all by himself.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Mike Huckabee and His Supporters' Excitement
Voters stepping into Mike Huckabee's corner are more excited about their candidate than any other Republican front runner, and that will pay dividends on election day.
When you hear the words "likely caucus goers" or "likely voters," just know that Mike Huckabee's "likely" people are much more "likely" to show up and vote than any other candidates' "likelys" are "likely" to vote themselves.
And- You can put that in your buggy and take it to the register.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Oprah Appears with Obama
Ever since Oprah announced she was going to campaign for Obama, people have been asking, "Will her endorsement make Obama's numbers rise?" Now that she has "officially hit the trail" with him, I am asking, "What will her endorsement do to her numbers?"
Wouldn't it be something for the pundits to scratch their heads over, if some of the ideas she is now so strongly aligning with actually alienated some of her supporters. Hmm . . .
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Mike Huckabee is In First Place in South Carolina
Mike Huckabee is Undeniably a True Contender for the Republican Nomination
Two polls show former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee surging into first place in the early voting state of South Carolina.
Americans are starting to pay attention to the race for the Republican Nomination, and it is starting to show in the polls. People are noticing Gov. Huckabee's message and authenticity.
Southern Political Report Poll:
"Huckabee now leads the pace with 23 percent. Giuliani and Thompson are tied at 17, followed by Romney with 14 percent and McCain with 10 percent."
Rasmussen Reports Poll:
"Huckabee 25% Romney 18% Thompson 18%"
Gov. Huckabee is also leading big in North Carolina.
Nationally, Gov. Huckabee has skyrocketed into 2nd place.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Mike Huckabee Leads GOP Nationally
Rasmussen has had Giuliani in the lead . . . until today. Now Mike Huckabee has taken over.
Click here.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Mike Huckabee in 2nd Place Nationally
The new USA Today/Gallup poll is good news for the Huckabee campaign. Mike Huckabee is also in 2nd place in this poll from Rasmussen Reports.
From USA Today:
• Giuliani: 25%; vs 28% in the previous survey, taken Nov. 11-14; and 34% in a Nov. 2-4 survey. So, his support has fallen 9 percentage points in a month.
• Mike Huckabee: 16%; vs. 10% in the previous survey; and 6% before that. His support has risen 10 percentage points in a month.
• Fred Thompson: 15%; vs. 19% in the previous survey; and 17% before that.
• Sen. John McCain: 15%; vs. 13% in the previous survey; and 18% before that.
• Mitt Romney: 12%; unchanged from the previous survey; and 14% before that.No other GOP candidate was above 4%.
After watching the debates for months, reading polls, listening to the other candidates talk, and examining closely how they react and respond to the Huckabee campaign, I have made the following conclusions:
They (the other candidates) appeared to be thinking (about Mike) in June and July, "He's a nice guy. He makes these debates fun." In August and September, "He's a nice guy. He has some good points." In October, "He's a nice guy. He might make a good running mate (just as long as he doesn't catch on and beat me.”) In November, "Nice guy or not, he'd better stop doing so well. We have to stop him."
Now, lets doing everything we can to help the other candidates start thinking, "I hope he picks ME as a running mate!"
I also believe the American people are thinking, "Ok, who's running for President? Oh, I don't like that about this guy, I don't like that about that guy, and . . . no, I'm not too thrilled about that other guy. Wait, what did THAT guy say? What's his name? Mike Huckabee? Hmm . . ."
Go Mike!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Mike Huckabee on This Week
This is one of Mike Huckabee's best interviews ever.
Part one.
Part two is the best of the best.
Part Three
Mike Huckabee Leads in New Iowa Poll
Check out this poll by the Des Moines Register.
Huckabee - 29% (+17)
Romney - 24% (-5)
Giuliani - 13% (+2)
Thompson - 9% (-9)
McCain - 7% (-)
Paul - 7% (+3)
Tancredo - 6% (+1)
Undecided - 4% (-5)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Mike Huckabee and the Weekly Standard
If you have any doubt Mike Huckabee can win the Republican nomination, read this.
I've said it for a month now, and I'll say it again- "If every person who likes Mike Huckabee, but won't get behind him because they fear he can't win, would actually support him, he would be in first place over night."
What does that tell you about his potential?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Mike Huckabee in the Situation Room
The more Mike Huckabee gets attacked, the higher his poll numbers go. Every time another candidate takes Mike Huckabee out of context in an attempt to smother the red hot Huckabee surge, it reveals how threatened they feel by his momentum.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Mike Huckabee Wins GOP Debate . . . By a Landslide
Florida Poll
Iowa Poll
While many candidates in the CNN/You Tube debate constantly "hop-scotched" around issues and succeeded in effectively distributing black eyes to each other, Mike Huckabee was poised, principled, and powerful in his debate performance. He rose above it all.
Read more:
Huckabee Shines in GOP debate
The Reviews Are Coming In
Huckabee, As Usual, Scores With A Quip
Winners and Losers
Mike Huckabee 101
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Huckabee Surges Into 2nd In Florida and Iowa
Flash: Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has surged into 2nd place in both early voting states of Iowa and Florida. In Iowa, Huckabee is in a statistical tie for first place.
Florida Poll
Iowa Poll
Gov. Huckabee is the only candidate consistently gaining ground.
Monday, November 26, 2007
New Campaign Ad . . . Believe
Mike Huckabee is officially a "top tier" candidate. Cable news analyst and pundits are now being caught saying things like, "If he wins Iowa . . ." "Can he win the nomination?" "How well does he match up against Rudy?" "What happens if Romney loses Iowa?" "He's surging . . ." Mike Huckabee is on fire."
Here is Gov. Huckabee's new campaign ad-
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Mike Huckabee on Hardball with Chris Matthews
Mike Huckabee is leading a reformation of the conservative movement. His message will refresh the American people and resonate across the country.
Click on the video below to watch more.
Huckabee on gaining in Iowa
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mike Huckabee on CBS
Click here to see for yourself how courageous, articulate, intelligent, and principled Mike Huckabee is.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Mike Huckabee and Chuck Norris
This 60 second commercial has everyone talking. Some people love it. Some people don't get it. Understand that one of the main purposes of the ad is to get everyone to talk about Mike and his amazing rise in the polls. The ad will also drive voters to the website to learn more about the next Great Communicator.
Every great communicator must use humor effectively. Gov. Huckabee does exactly that. Check out to see what everyone is talking about.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Mike Huckabee . . . the Next Great Communicator
Watch the video below and see what everyone either is or will be talking about very soon.
Mike Huckabee on Hannity and Colmes
Gov. Huckabee exhibits his excellent intellect, demonstrates his great communication skills, and sets the record straight. Watch both clips below:
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Mike Huckabee Surges in Iowa
A CBS news poll has Mike Huckabee at 21%- Only 6% behind Mitt Romney. Watch out folks! Here he comes! Go Mike!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Dobson Endorsement of Huckabee Not Imminent
Rumors spread like wildfire. We all know that, and when it's a rumor (or in this case, a published report) that lines up with what many think is inevitable (James Dobson's support for Mike Huckabee) it spreads even faster. But for now, the official word from Focus on the Family's founder, James Dobson, is his endorsement of Mike Huckabee is not imminent. (At least not today.)
Given Evangelical Christians' scattered and ineffective support for many Presidential candidates, it would be a mistake for the true leader of the Conservative Christians to not rally the troops behind the best candidate- Mike Huckabee.
Maybe the endorsement will be imminent on Monday . . .
Friday, November 9, 2007
Dobson to Endorse Huckabee . . . Developing
It has hit the blogosphere and could be the biggest endorsement of any candidate to date.
Watch for updates.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Mike Huckabee on Hardball . . . "Everybody likes you, Governor."
Mike Huckabee is the best candidate, period.
If every voter thinking, "I would support Huckabee if he just had more support," would get behind him, he would be first in the polls overnight.
Click on the video below to see for yourself.
Can Huckabee gain traction?
Huckabee Gains on Clinton and Obama
Rasmussen Reports shows good news for the Huckabee campaign. This tracking poll illustrates even further Gov. Huckabee's ability to win the nomination. Get on board!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Pat Robertson Endorses Giuliani . . . Disappointing
This is very sad, and a sad day for Evangelicals.
Mr. Robertson should have been leading the way in communicating to all major Evangelical leaders that we need to get behind one strong conservative. Right now, Mike Huckabee is the only one out there.
May the unborn forgive us.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
You Can Trust Mike Huckabee
The American people can trust Mike Huckabee to do what is best for our country. He will tell you pointedly and passionately what he believes is best for our country. If you listen to him closely, you will respect him and many of you will agree with him. Watch the debates and you will notice that he sets the agenda by acknowledging the overlooked and disregarded. He rises above the “demolition derby” and demonstrates his ability to be the nominee. He focuses on the big problems and offers bold solutions. No one can deny he communicates clearly and stands his ground. Listen to his message, and regardless of your political views or party affiliation, you will respect his honesty and integrity.
Sen. Kerry . . . Are you kidding me?
Fox News has this story about the new "ammo" John Kerry has against the Swift Boat boys who helped take him down. I'm posting this because the quote below makes me laugh and feel sick at the same time. "Weren't able to produce all that at the time?" You have got to be kidding me.
Well, I guess sometimes it takes time to find evidence for manufactured accounts of events. Who knew?
From Fox News:
"We have put together a documented portfolio that frankly puts their lies in such a total light of absurdity and indecency, that should they ever rear their ugly heads again, we have every single 't’ crossed and 'i’ dotted, and I welcome that in a sense,'' Kerry said after addressing Boston's South Shore Chamber of Commerce. "It’s a shame we weren’t able to produce all that at the time.'' (Emphasis added.)
Monday, November 5, 2007
Mike Huckabee Rocks the Boat in GOP Race
Mike Huckabee is gaining ground and no one can deny it.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Mike Huckabee . . . Titanium Backbone
Conservatives, stand up and shout a resounding, "No!" . . . to the "Jello-backbone."
I believe Bill O'Reilly is an intelligent individual with good intentions. In this recent interview with rising GOP Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, he plays the devil's advocate by telling the former Governor, If you tell people you don't believe in evolution, that will hurt your chances at winning the Republican nomination. (paraphrase)
Gov. Huckabee's response is articulate and honest.
My question to Bill is, "Should a man of conviction and religious beliefs change his views, deny, or water them down simply to avoid losing votes?" That type of "jello-backbone" is the exact opposite of what we need in the Oval Office.
Mike Huckabee deserves praise for his deep convictions and unwavering faith.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The Washington Post and Mike Huckabee . . .
Every day brings more and more media coverage for Governor Mike Huckabee. This article, by Charles Mahtesian of the Washington Post, is set to run on Sunday. "How Huckabee Could Rock the 2008 Vote" will only help further increase Mike's name recognition and growing popularity.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Mike Huckabee . . . stock is skyrocketing
Watch the debates, listen to the media, read the blogs, and you will see that the four Republican "front runners" are looking at Gov. Mike Huckabee and thinking, "He would make a good running mate. (If I can just keep him from beating me.)"
Watch this and see why Mike Huckabee is intelligent, experienced, and ready to be the 44th President of the United States.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Momentum is mounting . . .
Gov. Huckabee's media coverage and money are rising sharply. Jump on board!
Watch this video and see for yourself.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Democratic Debate . . . Entertaining?
There was a vast difference between the recent Republican and Democratic debates. I was impressed with the collectiveness and eloquence of most of the Republican candidates, especially Mike Huckabee, but the Democratic Debate on Tuesday, resembled a high school debate team free-for-all, and at times, amazingly slipped into the middle school level. In desperate attempts to viciously attack each other while inflating their own resume’s, every candidate displayed an excellent ability to completely fumble questions, confuse not only the audience, and questioners, but at times, apparently even themselves. It became almost entertaining.
Most candidates enjoyed bashing President Bush for making decisions they decry as erroneous, but the American people must realize that many Democratic candidates once sided with the President on many of those issues until the going got tough.
I honestly got the impression that some of the candidates were distracted by something. Maybe it was the truth.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Evangelical Elephant in the Corner of the Country
Evangelicals, at the very least, played a significant role in electing President Bush in 2000 and 2004, and the effect of “church going” voters is snowballing. Many liberals know that the “religious minded” will most likely have a considerable influence in the 2008 election, and some, Barak Obama for instance, are attempting to court “people of faith” more now than ever. As this realization settles in, I think my fellow Evangelicals are missing something: Evangelicals wield more power in the election of politicians than we realize and certainly more than non-Evangelicals want to admit. But, Evangelical voters do not wield as much power as we should. For instance, “fringe liberal groups” make up a smaller minority than “conservative evangelical groups,” but the impact of these far left liberal groups is often more substantial than the impact of the evangelical groups. Liberal activists are good at being pro-active and remaining on the offensive as they advance their agenda, and many Evangelicals dragging their feet are being found on the defensive, frantically attempting to smother “spot-fires” created by the liberal program.
Part of the reason for this problem is due to the misconception by many Evangelicals that political involvement is “dirty,” and should be left to the “non-religious.” But, it is the very insistence of keeping the secular political world separated from the sacred that is part of the very poison destroying the moral fabric of our culture, and it is a grave mistake. Evangelical Christians must understand that our failure to confront the corruption killing America is a main contributing factor resulting in the soiling of American politics.
As Evangelicals, we can not cram our religion down the throat of dissenting fellow Americans, but there are core foundational beliefs and moral principles that we must not only share, but stress with our culture, and we must do it with extreme urgency and upmost importance. Our survival as a nation founded upon religious freedom, justice, and equality depends upon it.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Rights and Responsibilities
More media coverage = more votes. Former Governor Huckabee has the best message.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Here comes the Dark Horse . . .
What could he do with half the money "the big four" have? Probably win the nomination. I was impressed with him in the debate Sunday night.
Friday, October 12, 2007
"I answer to no One"
Atheist America, I mean, Air America carries new atheistic program-
I have a few moments for a couple thoughts about this:
Often, it is in a culture’s attempt to reject accountability that people suffer the most. Consequences for actions are never truly avoided. They are only passed on, and they are usually re-distributed to the weakest members of society.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I've never been a fan of cigarette smoke, but I'm even less of a fan of restricting freedom inside American homes.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Forgiveness or Fraud?
So, Berger's back?
Well, I'm glad Hillary has such a compassionate and forgiving spirit. But then again, I guess he didn't really do anything "against Hillary." As a matter of fact, "borrowing and losing" those top secret documents probably helped the Clinton's in the long run.
What's the old saying about, "The company you keep. . . "?
Monday, October 1, 2007
"You Just Gotta Like Mike"
I've been thinking for a while now that if Mike Huckabee could get more media coverage, it would be the equivalent of tossing gasoline onto a drought weary woodpile outside of Little Rock on the fourth of July.
I guess Newt and Bill have the same impression. I called Newt and told him that if he could get Bill to admit it, I'd post it on my blog. Well, here it is.
And, if his campaign does raise enough money to buy that gas, it will probably be an interesting thing to watch. But then again, with gas prices so high . . .
Friday, September 28, 2007
Most estimates place the number of children murdered by a “medical abortion” at over 1 billion since WWII.
This is the story of an amazing little girl named Kimberly. She was born 15 weeks early. Several aspects of this story grab my attention. First, millions of babies like Kimberly are aborted simply because “they are not wanted.” Kimberly was wanted. Second, millions of babies are aborted after they have been in their mothers womb longer than Kimberly was. Most of them could have survived if they had simply been delivered into life instead of denied it. Kimberly's story is amazing. I admire her parents' courage.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
This One Was Easy . . .
Perhaps you watched the Democratic debate last night. But then again, chances are you didn't. Don't worry. You didn't miss much, but there were a few things that “bothered me” (if you will) about the debate. The candidates were all given a chance to state their favorite Bible verse. (I’m not sure what Tim Russert was trying to prove, but nonetheless, his question provided viewers with something to talk about at the water cooler the next day.) Not one candidate actually answered with a verse. Rep. Dennis Kucinich said he liked the prayer of St. Francis, and just in case you are wondering, that isn’t in the Bible. Barak Obama and Bill Richardson both said, “The sermon on the Mount,” which is actually in the Bible, but come on. Believe it or not, I was actually surprised that not one candidate actually listed a real Bible verse. Disappointed? Well, yes, I was. I actually had higher hopes for the Democratic party.
Now, on to the “scariest item of the day.” The following is the answer John Edwards gave in response to a question regarding the reading (to second graders) of a story about two gay Princes marrying. (The picture above is from the book in question- "King and King.")
“I don’t want to make that decision on behalf of my children. I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information, even in — did you say second grade? Second grade might be a little tough, but even in second grade to be exposed to all those possibilities, because I don’t want to impose my view. Nobody made me God.” (from,2933,298307,00.html)
Is it just me, or did the former North Carolina senator basically say he does not want to influence his kids opinions about the subject?
Wow! Quick! Someone send him a memo- Influencing your children is usually part of the “being a parent” job description. But, then again, he’s probably following the “new and improved” instructional manual.
I’m glad that after the primaries, John Edwards won’t have much a chance to influence anyone, let alone his own children.
Disclaimer: God’s word is clear. God loves every person He ever created. God hates sin. God’s word teaches us to love people, regardless of their lifestyle, beliefs, and actions, and God has clearly stated that some things are right and some things are wrong. Although not politically correct, very simply stated, homosexuality falls under the “wrong” column. When any culture begins to embrace the things God has proclaimed to be sin as normal, acceptable, and right, that culture moves closer to moral destruction.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wake Up, America

"Thanks to people's wishes and God's will the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want…Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out"
-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, December 12, 2006
"With God's help, the countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed by the hands of the children of Lebanon and Palestine . . . By God's will, we will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future."
-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, June 3, 2007
Evil is approaching. The only thing we can do is decide how dangerous it becomes before it arrives.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
God, What Are You Doing Today?
How do you approach each day? What is the attitude you wake up with? I don’t mean the “Oh no, I feel too tired to get up,” attitude. I’m talking about after your coffee, or “wake up shower.” What do you expect from this day? What do you really want to happen? What do you desire to be involved in? Do you hope for just an “average” day? Do you wish to simply “fly below the radar” at work or school and avoid conflict? Or, do you approach the day with a craving to do something exceptional, above average, and exciting?
I believe hidden somewhere deep inside of everyone, there is a permanent and unquenchable aspiration to experience life in a more extraordinary way. Unfortunately, many factors censor and suppress this desire in most of us. Let me propose a new outlook- Tomorrow morning, when you wake up and realize that you have been granted another day to live on this earth, approach the day’s opportunities with this thought, “God, what do You have going on today? May I get in on it?”
You might be surprised at the amazing things God is doing and wants to do in “normal” people’s lives all around you. In fact, you might be slightly embarrassed to learn that you’ve overlooked many of “God’s miracles and movements” happening all around you every day. Many things are occurring in the lives of others, and in some cases “little miracles” are waiting to happen. A teenager is attempting to garner enough courage to tryout for a sports team. A single mother is praying for forty-five dollars to pay the electric bill. A co-worker is straining for the first sign of light at the end of his miserable tunnel of divorce. A family member is subconsciously waiting to hear three simple words to finally break free from depression. A friend sits on the edge of uprooting his family with the goal of giving his children a better life. The firewood of their decisions is dry, stacked, and ready to burn; it only lacks a “spark” and it will soon become a blaze.
Is someone around you looking for that spark? I challenge you to live your life without the possibility of looking back and wondering, “What powerful fire could I have ignited with optimism, energy, and excitement?”
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Behold . . . Socialism Is Knocking On America's Door
We Are All in It Together, Clinton Says
I hope America recognizes what she is saying for what it is.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
He Just Doesn't Get It
Obviously, John Edwards doesn't think terrorism is a real threat.
Did he not learn anything from September 11th?
Maybe he was too busy fantasizing about sitting in the Oval Office.
Maybe he forgot what he said on The Factor, or maybe "politically expedient" is his favorite phrase.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Dr. Jerry Falwell's Funeral
I was able to make the following observations which instantly captured my attention, and I believe most likely pierced my memory forever:
Jerry Vines said Dr. Falwell had “an anointing”- which he defined as, “A special touch for a special task,” and I believe anyone associated with Dr. Falwell understands that he was most certainly equipped and commissioned for an extraordinary mission from God.
It was said that Dr. Falwell “confronted the culture.” I believe his desire to see broken lives regenerated, timeless principles protected, and family values preserved for generations to come, compelled him to do so.
It was said that even in the face of controversy, “He just kept smiling and speaking,” and it was said that, “He had a way of making you feel like you were his best friend.” I believe the love of Jesus Christ overflowed out of his heart and into the hearts of those around him.
He was loved, and he loved people.
Jerry Falwell was controversial, and Franklin Graham articulated why he was such a lightning rod for controversy:
He believed that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and an Almighty God. That’s controversial. He believed in the inerrancy of scripture. That’s controversial. He believed in the sanctity of life. That’s controversial. He believed in the establishment of the family, and who would have ever thought that would be controversial? He believed marriage should be between a man and a woman. That’s controversial.
I am very thankful that Dr. Jerry Falwell did not plan to be popular and politically correct. He did not choose to cower away from the challenge of confronting our culture with the conviction of his moral questions. He did not defer the duty of debating those that adamantly disagreed with him.
We would do well to learn from his example.
When a man of integrity speaks adamantly against things such as homosexuality, abortion, and pornography, he will be labeled “controversial.” When a man of integrity speak adamantly in support of the inerrancy of the Bible and Jesus Christ as the only way to heaven, he will be labeled as “controversial.”
It takes courage to do what Jerry Falwell did.
There is a swelling mentality in our culture that is attempting to redefine what is morally right and morally wrong. If it is not countered, this emerging mindset will continue to erode, demoralize, and undermine the most fundamental institution of our civilization- the family. Dr. Falwell understood this, and he saw this threat for the very real danger that it is.
Now, more than ever it is absolutely imperative that men of integrity rise up and build upon the foundations of what is morally right, men of values speak up and debate the controversial issues, and men of character stand up and protect the establishment of the family.
If we do not stand for timeless principles that have fashioned our nation into the greatest of all time, and we do not promote what we believe is truly just, good, and pure, we will watch helplessly as our society, and thus our nation, crumbles before us. And mark my words, it will happen on our watch.
Friday, May 18, 2007
The Value of Wise Decisions
Making wise decisions will improve your reputation. I believe there is a direct correlation between the decisions we make and the reputations we hold. I also believe that in order for a person to be truly content in life, he needs a reputation he can be proud of.
Think of two people you know fairly well, but don’t talk to every day. What determines how you think of them? The answer is simple: the decisions they make and the actions they take. Do you trust them? Then you’ve probably never heard them lie. Do you have reservations about trusting them? Then you’ve probably seen them bend the truth a little bit. Do you like them? Then perhaps they have been nice to you or your friends. Do you not like them? Then chances are you had a conflict of opinion with them, or you disagreed with a decision they made.
The point is this: What you have seen them do has had a huge impact on how you think about them. The choices and decisions they have made have determined what you and others think of them.
The same is true for you. People will form most of their opinion about you based on what they see you do. If you make poor decisions, your reputation will suffer. If you make wise decisions, your reputation will reap the benefits.
What kind of reputation do you have? What decisions have your friends watched you make? What do people think of you when someone says your name? Are there some things you’ve done that you’re not proud of? Don’t kill yourself over those things! Everyone has regrets. Are you unhappy with your reputation? Don’t give up! There are still pages to be written in the chapters of your life.
Commit yourself today to making wise decisions, and forming a reputation you can be proud of.
And while you are working on your reputation, remember:
"Your choices in life are based on what you consider to be most important."
Thursday, May 17, 2007
What Is Your Book About?
Someone recently sent me that question in a message. Here's the answer:
The book will deal with the "Accepted Evils" of our culture. Hot topics like abortion, pornography, homosexuality, gambling, substance abuse, and addiction will be the center pieces. Other issues like the soft bigotry of low expectations will be discussed as well.
I firmly believe that "Every generation has an accepted evil. The greatest leaders are the ones willing to do whatever it takes to change it."
We can look back through history and see that to be true: Hitler was acceptable for a while, and by the time he was deemed "unacceptable" six million Jews were dead. Cultures have looked the other way when faced with genocide. Our country in many ways treated the Native Americans horribly, but it was accepted. Racism ran ramped in the South for generations (and still does in some parts.) Slave trade is probably the biggest example of an accepted evil I can think of.
The book will talk about how those closest to the evil often fail to do something about it. Sadly, we just accept it. "Accepted Evil" will challenge others to make that evil unacceptable.
Jeff Young understands what I am talking about. Notice his reply to Jack Reeves.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Christianity Under Attack
Convert or Die: "Pakistani Christians Seek Government Protection After Threats to Convert by Pro-Taliban Forces"
When is the last time you heard of a group of Christians telling people of another faith to "convert or face violence?"
Don't tell me radical Islam isn't violent.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Two Men of Great Faith
Earlier today, a friend of mine sent me a text that said, “. . . sorry buddy . . . I know he was one of your heroes. . .” He’s right. Dr. Jerry Falwell was one of my heroes- and he still is. Our country and the Christian community have lost a great leader.
Dr. Falwell made an impact on me for several reasons: His tenacity to say what he believed needed to be said, his vision to accomplish great things, and his courage to attempt those great things are just a few of the many qualities I admire in Dr. Falwell.
His legacy will continue to live for a very long time. Liberty University, the school he founded in the 70s, is growing at a lightning rate and continues to train young men and women to live for Christ in our ever emerging anti-Christian culture.
As you may know, the founder of Tennessee Temple University, Dr. Lee Roberson, passed away at the age of 97, on Sunday, April 29. After his death, Dr. Falwell commented that Dr. Roberson was one of his heroes and mentors. Both of these men were tremendous men of faith, vision, and courage.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
In Case You Haven't Noticed:
Fox News Story
- We are at war with Terrorists. (They declared war on us a long time ago.)
- Terrorists are plotting to kill Americans.
- We must respond.
- America only puts itself in a worse position by ignoring the problem.
- America only passes the burden and dangers of fighting this war to another generation by neglecting our responsibility to fight back.
- Sadly, many Americans continue to stick their heads in the sand.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Oops! I Made Another Person Upset

Below is the text of an email I received in reply to my opinion.
Below the email you will find my reply.
"Yes, Jeremiah, Americans did and do understand the consequences of failure in Iraq. Your Georgie Boy is the one who didn't understand the consequences of starting a war that couldn't be won. We should have stayed to run the Taliban out of Afghanistan, but NNNOOO! that wouldn't get us any oil, now would it? Cheney (the anti-christ), Rove (the devil), and Rummy, Wofie and all the neo-cons are the ones who led GWB down this garden path, "they'll greet us with roses" "the war will pay for itself with oil" "it'll be over in a matter of days" blah, blah, blah. Start reading, start watching something besides Fox news, sign up for duty yourself.
your boy George opened Pandora's box when he sent our American boys over there to do - what? Saddam was bluffing and Colin Powell and George Tenet knew it, they just didn't have the guts to speak up. Saddam could have been ousted with much less, and really, although he was a tyrant, he was the glue holding that potential stick of dynamite together! Now he is gone and all the tribal wars that have raged for hundreds of years have re-emerged, except that now our American soldiers are there in the middle of this feud, not really on anyone's side, just sitting ducks, waiting to be shot. No wonder they are in little pieces (mentally and physically) when they get home.
I don't know how we'll ever get out of this mess Boy George got us into! Any ideas from you, Mr. TN Temple?
We wouldn't be having this fight over funding right now if GWB had the guts to put the war in the regular pentagon and defense department budget, as is customary. But he was used to getting a blank check from Congress (after all, they were handsomely paid for their defense contract budgets). All he's doing right now is a show, but Congress is trying to pin him down to a real plan. for getting the soldiers home!
God save us all"
(my reply)
"Thank you for your comments. Several months ago I applied for Officer Candidate School in the United States Marine Corps. Last week I was notified that my irregular heart beat had disqualified me from their selection process. Of course I was very disappointed.
I'm currently looking into the possibility of any other branch of the armed forces accepting me, so I can help fight for the cause of what I believe is noble and good.
I understand we have strong differences in opinion, and I respect yours. However, my respect for you is damaged somewhat by your name calling.
Again, thank you for your opinion and thank you for reading mine."
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Politics, Timetables, and War
Setting a timetable for withdrawal in Iraq will tell our enemies, “Wait until the withdrawal date, and you can have what you are fighting for.” It simply does not make any sense to set a timetable to pull out of Iraq. What if we had set a timetable immediately after D-Day because “things weren’t going well?” Nazi Germany would have been even more emboldened by our lack of resolve.
Keep in mind that more brave Americans died on June 6, 1944, than all the days combined of the War on Terror. No one demanded a timetable then. Why now? I believe one reason is due to the fact that many Americans do not understand the consequences of failure in Iraq.
You simply can not set a timetable to “give up on winning a war.”
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
When History Repeats Itself . . .
Ronald Reagan's proven words of wisdom.
I can't help but notice how applicable this famous speech is to the current debate surrounding the War on Terror.
I know that some will argue that we should not compare the two conflicts, but all world conflict and any clash of principles or way of life, regardless of who it is with, carries with it many similar characteristics and life lessons that we should not deny.
In fact, we would be outright foolish to do so.
TLJ Blog
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Pray for Virginia Tech
Our hearts and prayers go out to all involved and affected by the horrific tragedy at Virginia Tech. Words are never adequate in a time such as this.
I believe any person currently living on a college campus feels a special bond with everyone at Virginia Tech. At Temple, we understand that what transpired on Monday, could have happened anywhere, including our own campus.
Could this have been prevented? Could someone have stopped this killer before he snapped? There’s a strong possibility that many people had a chance to intervene in this person’s life, and as details continue to unfold it appears that some people tried.
Is there a strong possibility that YOU need to intervene in someone’s life? Is there a strong possibility that I need to intervene is someone’s life? I believe the answer is “Yes.” People are hurting. Some are hiding their hurt. Others are sending warning signals everyday. Are we listening? Are we watching?
Evil wants to swallow up and devour their hearts and minds, and we must get to them before it’s too late.
Pray for the families who lost loved ones at Virginia Tech.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Never Settle for Average
People may attempt to refute your skill, intelligence, or ability, but they should never be able to refute your passion, drive, and determination.
How many people live their entire lives with the anchor of negative circumstances dragging the bottom of the ocean floor? I would hate to look back over my life and think, “What more could I have done, if I had refused to use my circumstances as an excuse to be average?” Or, “How many people could I have helped if I had cut lose the anchor of negative circumstances and determined in my mind to attempt something great?”
Do you want to be average? Subconsciously we know that it is safe to be average. Average doesn’t bother people. Average doesn’t set the standard higher for others, and average never falls flat on its face in an attempt at greatness.
Have you ever thought, “If I stay right here, I won’t fail trying to do something above average?” Don’t buy into that lie. Realize that average fails. Average fails at becoming great. Average fails at breaking the mold. Average fails at finding a better solution for problems, and average will never blaze a new trail for others to follow.
To break away from the circle of mediocrity, set your circumstances aside. Where you grew up doesn’t matter. Who your parents are is irrelevant. The person who said you would “never amount to anything” became a failure as soon as they said that about you.
If one negative comment or remark can cause you to change course and give up, then is what you are fighting for worth all that much to begin with? If your goal or dream is

The highest summit offers the most spectacular view, but it also usually requires the steepest, most difficult ascent. Be prepared for adversity and negative circumstances, and then, conquer your mountain.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Are You Kidding Me?
Defeatist Democrats are proving what I have feared all along. They do not even want to acknowledge that we are engaged in a war on terror, and they obviously do not comprehend the threat Islamic extremism poses.
Do Democrats want to ignore the problem and hope it goes away, or do they truly believe Islamic extremists have no plans to harm America?
Your guess is as good as mine.
"How do Democrats expect America to fight and win a war they deny is even taking place?" -John Boehner
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Two Very Different Generations
Every generation has a different set of ideals, principles, and values.
Obviously, the United States of 2007 is not the United States of 1944. In the 1930s, America did not want to fight Germany or Japan. Pearl Harbor changed that. In the 1990s, America did not see the danger of Al Qaeda. September 11th changed that. The Greatest Generation under the leadership of FDR remained united and resolved throughout WWII, and our country was united once again at the onset of the War on Terror.
Unfortunately, certain circumstances, including the situation in Iraq, has damaged many Americans’ desires to fight this war at all. Although there are many differences between the Greatest Generation of the 1940s and my generation of today, I believe there is one influential factor affecting my generation’s view of the War on Terror more than any other: the way the war is reported. The Greatest Generation read about the war in the paper and listened to reports on the radio. My generation watches the war on TV like it is a video game, and to the youthful misinformed, it appears we are losing that game.
I realize some Americans would not agree with the military action in Iraq regardless of how it was reported, but the drastic contrast between the coverage of WWII and the coverage of Iraq has had a huge impact on how Americans view the War on Terror.
For instance, on June 6, 1944, over 2,500 Americans died. Did you get that? Over two thousand! I recently purchased a June 6, 1944 reprint edition of the Cincinnati Times-Star. The headline reads, “BEACHHEADS ARE ESTABLISHED SOON AFTER INVASION IS BEGUN.” The subheading reads, “American, British and Canadian Units . . . Make Rapid Progress.” Of course the media had no way to accurately report how many brave men had died on the beaches that day, but how would today’s six o’clock news report the horror of over two thousand coalition soldiers being killed in Iraq or Afghanistan in one operation? Definitely not by claiming there was "Rapid Progress."
Do not misunderstand me. When any brave American soldier dies, it is a tragedy. Families are crushed, and lives are altered forever. Reporting of the war must go on, but my generation and the media must understand how the dynamics have changed. The Greatest Generation paid an unimaginable price to ensure freedom triumphed over oppression. What if they had not been willing to pay that price?
My generation does not have the stomach to handle the un-pleasantries that automatically accompany the fighting of radicals bent on destroying our way of life, and we suffer from a growing lack of faith in the mission spawned by our lack of patience. Couple that with the fact that my generation does not foresee the dire consequences of prematurely backing out of Iraq and ignoring the threat of Islamic extremism, and it makes perfect sense why many Americans fail to understand how important it is that we remain resolved in the fight for freedom regardless of the cost.
We must put this war in perspective. Victory is not guaranteed by the greatest army or the most sophisticated technology. It requires resolve, patience, and unimaginable sacrifice. Fortunately, the Greatest Generation understood exactly that. Hopefully, my generation will realize it before it is too late.
Make no mistake, our enemies will exploit our lack of resolve. It is what any intelligent enemy would do.
I am convinced that losing resolve in the middle of any battle is not only dangerous, it is outright suicidal.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Pursue All Options; Prepare for War
Does anyone else feel like they are reading a Tom Clancy novel? (Fox News Story)
Published on
As events unfold between Iran and Great Britain, a potentially volatile situation only becomes more complicated. Granted, hostages and trespassing disputes are nothing new, but think of all the other ingredients surrounding this potential powder keg-
The radical regime led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is aggressively pursuing nuclear weapons, Iran has called for the destruction of Israel and the United States, Iran continues to pour resources and powerful explosives into Iraq to further destabilize the region and undermine the coalition’s goals (elite Iranian soldiers have been caught in Iraq as well), and they continue to shun the United Nations and the IAEA over their pursuit of an atomic bomb.
Now, several things make this situation even more fascinating- We are already fighting in countries on both sides of Iran; therefore, our military (although still very strong) is indeed weaker than it would be if we were not fighting those wars, and Iran, stronger now than it has ever been, continues to become more powerful every day. That, my friends, is exactly how I would set the table if I wanted Iran to become a nuclear superpower with the capability of striking Israel with that nuclear weapon.
Every last resort must be taken to avoid conflict with Iran, but we must be prepared to answer the following question- “Will Iran leave the good and just people of this world any choice other than armed conflict?” I applaud our diplomacy through the United Nations, and every single economic pressure point must be struck, but we must find the intestinal fortitude to grasp the fact that Iraq and Afghanistan may not be the only place in this decade that brave American soldiers will be called upon to defend freedom.
Regardless of your views on our action in Iraq, if Iran does not stop with their goal to destroy Israel, we will have no choice but to take military action, and to use the situation in Iraq as an excuse to not stop Ahmadinejad would be one of the greatest mistakes of our generation.
Throughout the course of history, every generation has had an “accepted evil.” Whether it was slavery, ethnic cleansing, genocide, or abortion, the accepted evil was overlooked, excused, or rationalized away in our minds. By the time Hitler was deemed “unacceptable,” six million Jews and countless more were dead.
Will we once again be too late?