Friday, November 30, 2007

Mike Huckabee and the Weekly Standard

If you have any doubt Mike Huckabee can win the Republican nomination, read this.

I've said it for a month now, and I'll say it again- "If every person who likes Mike Huckabee, but won't get behind him because they fear he can't win, would actually support him, he would be in first place over night."

What does that tell you about his potential?


Vote For Hillary Online said...

If the list of candidates to choose from was a line of port-o-potties outside a concert, Huckabee would be the one overflowing with diarrhea.
If you want a real candidate with real values, then you want Hillary Clinton. Just trust me.

Jeremiah Cook said...

Wow. Your comment must have taken you days to edit and compose. Probably the most eloquent and intelligent comment I have ever seen.

You are an absolute joke.
I'm glad you want a candidate with "real values." I just wish you had enough "values" to restrain yourself from 6th grade cutdowns.