Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mike Huckabee . . . Titanium Backbone

Conservatives, stand up and shout a resounding, "No!" . . . to the "Jello-backbone."

I believe Bill O'Reilly is an intelligent individual with good intentions. In this recent interview with rising GOP Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, he plays the devil's advocate by telling the former Governor, If you tell people you don't believe in evolution, that will hurt your chances at winning the Republican nomination. (paraphrase)

Gov. Huckabee's response is articulate and honest.

My question to Bill is, "Should a man of conviction and religious beliefs change his views, deny, or water them down simply to avoid losing votes?" That type of "jello-backbone" is the exact opposite of what we need in the Oval Office.

Mike Huckabee deserves praise for his deep convictions and unwavering faith.

1 comment:

bpassmore said...

Excellent representation. Thank you Mr Cook for posting this for everyone to see.
We need someone with a firm understanding of who he is, what he believes, and how to pursue it.
Be sure to stop by and register.
Mike has got hundreds of supporters over there and we are growing everyday.
Go Mike!