The American people can trust Mike Huckabee to do what is best for our country. He will tell you pointedly and passionately what he believes is best for our country. If you listen to him closely, you will respect him and many of you will agree with him. Watch the debates and you will notice that he sets the agenda by acknowledging the overlooked and disregarded. He rises above the “demolition derby” and demonstrates his ability to be the nominee. He focuses on the big problems and offers bold solutions. No one can deny he communicates clearly and stands his ground. Listen to his message, and regardless of your political views or party affiliation, you will respect his honesty and integrity.
His answer to question ratio is one to one. Gov. Huckabee does not give different answers for the same question, and more importantly, in stark contrast to many other candidates, his solutions for the tough questions are the same today as yesterday and he will not change his position tomorrow based on the audience or the most recent poll.
Some say Mike doesn't have the support of the big four, and that causes strong conservatives to feel apprehensive about supporting him, and in turn, that fear is keeping his poll numbers down. It's a difficult cycle to be in, but Gov. Huckabee is staying upbeat and pointing out that his campaign has done nothing but rise in the polls all year. Now showing second in Iowa, maybe more conservatives will get behind him.