Monday, December 8, 2008

"You own too many guns."

"We don't think these are first-time buyers. We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more." -Peter Hamm, spokesman for the Brady Campaign against Gun Violence, speaking about the spike of gun purchases since the election of Barack Obama.

The Cook Account: Mr. Hamm’s statement illustrates his fundamental misunderstanding regarding the Second Amendment. Our Founding Fathers did not write “the right to own one (or two) firearm(s).”

Does it bother Mr. Hamm if Americans purchase more guns than he believes they “need” to own? How many guns are “more than enough”? Two? One?

A gun with one bullet?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Attempting New Things . . .

Person #1: Has fear + no attempt = 0% chance of success

Person #2: Has fear + an attempt = 100% greater chance of success than person #1

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Misinformed people . . .

Results to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions
57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)
71.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)
82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)
88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)
56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).
And yet.....
Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothes
Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter
And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her "house," even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!
Only 2.4% got at least 11 correct.
Only .5% got all of them correct. (And we "gave" one answer that was technically not Palin, but actually Tina Fey)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Proud of our Armed Forces

This week, I shook hands with a young man named Brandon Ulmer. He is now an exemplary member of the United States Marine Corps. Brandon just returned from Parris Island, S.C., and it was an honor to shake hands with him.

Two years ago, when Brandon was 16, we worked together at Camp Joy off Highway 58 in Harrison. I noticed right away that he was a smart, self-sacrificing, and hard-working individual. As Brandon was preparing to graduate from Basic Training, another young man from our area, Mitch Beard, arrived on the Island to begin his journey. Mitch was one of my students last year at Tennessee Temple Academy, and I am honored to have had the privilege of teaching him.

I am proud of both of these young men, and as they complete the remainder of their training before possible deployments, I want to commend Brandon, Mitch, and all of our service men and women who are willing to give their time, energy, and possibly their lives to contribute to a cause greater then themselves. I also want to thank all of the families making so many sacrifices and supporting their relatives and loved ones serving in our military.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Proud of President Bush

I called the White House comment line today.

I do not agree with everything President Bush has done, and I know many people have very negative feelings towards him, but even though I may not agree with him 100% of the time, I am proud of his service to our Country.

I wanted to thank the President for his leadership, for doing what is right even when it wasn’t popular, having convictions, and treating Sen. Obama with respect.

He has exhibited dignity as he treats the office with honor during this transition phase. (By most accounts he appears to be treating Obama better than Clinton treated Bush).

I believe he has shown kindness even though little kindness has been shown to him.

I appreciate him and I am proud of his service

His remarks last Thursday to his staff were inspiring and commendable.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Liberal Logical Fallacies

Posted on the Chattanoogan:

I have a few questions for the extreme far right conservative majority in this area. How can one be against abortion and for a strong military and wars, they both kill? If the liberals are going to tax everyone into poverty, why does the smartest and wealthiest capitalist in the world, Mr. Warren Buffet support Obama? Why under conservative control does this area rank at the bottom in the nation in so many economic categories? I believe we lead the nation in per capita bankruptcies, near the bottom regarding per capita income, and on the bottom regarding education, why?
Why was the economy so much better under Bill Clinton in the 90's? Maybe instead of inciting racism, fear, and social differences, we should concentrate on fixing our common problems.

Travis Fletcher

My reply:

With all due respect, your questions contain many logical fallacies.
First of all, you have misrepresented the pro-life view. The overarching position of the pro-life movement is the protection of every innocent life.

People who have decided to engage in battle against the United States are neither innocent nor defenseless. The unborn are. Terrorists have a choice. Aborted babies do not.
The deaths of innocent civilians in a conflict zone are tragic and unintentional.
Courageously, some Americans are constantly working on technology to limit the number of civilians killed during battle. T
he deaths of innocent civilians in the womb are tragic but intentional. Sadly, some Americans are constantly working on technology to increase the number of ways the unborn can be killed during gestation.

Secondly, with regard to Warren Buffet, you have misrepresented the conservative position. Sen. Obama wants to raise taxes on the highest wage earners and businesses. Conservatives believe this will cause a de facto price increase (to pay for the higher taxes), hinder a company’s capacity to increase wages, and limit a company’s ability to hire new employees.You have also implied that if a “wealthy capitalist” supports a political candidate, that political candidate must have superior ideas. This is faulty logic.

Finally, your statement about racism and fear should be backed up with specifics. Ambiguous statements like these carry dangerous implications and can be easily misconstrued as an attempt to not only highlight but incite the very things you are complaining about.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama election = Stock Market Confidence?

I know we are in a dire financial situation. I know the economic crisis is not Barack Obama’s fault, and (although I have seen video footage from years ago of Republicans sounding the alarm about the potential credit crisis while Democrats claimed everything was “sound”) I know both parties share the blame for the problems we face.

With that in mind, I believe it is accurate and fair to make the following observation: The election of Barack Obama has not immediately helped our stock market:

Wall Street Suffers Second Straight Day of Big Losses; Dow Down 443 Points

Don’t flip out on me. I know there are a lot of factors involved, and I’m not saying Barack Obama is to blame for the Down dropping. I just think it’s ironic that so many Americans believe Barack Obama will do such a good job handling the economy, but stocks dropped drastically both days after his election and his election doesn’t seem to have given investors very much confidence.

But then again, if he had lost the election, maybe the Dow would have dropped 800 points each day instead of “only” 400.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Conservatives, take heart.

Today is a day for optimism. Yesterday, we lost, but today is a new opportunity. Keep your head up. Resist the urge to whine, mope, or gripe. Suppress the temptation to succumb to thoughts of depression (you are only wasting time and energy).

We have a war to fight. It is a war of ideas. Yesterday we lost a battle, not the war. True conservatism is still armed with superior ideas, and a rising, new generation of true conservative leaders.

To allow our defeat to cause us to cower away from the future battles that are about to be waged, is the equivalent of forfeiting an entire season because we lost one game.

Now is the time to regroup, refocus, and recommit to the fundamental principles that make conservatism work. Many of these principles have either been abandoned or incompetently communicated to the American people, and it is our duty as true conservatives to correct the mistakes of the past by accurately presenting these fundamental ideals in the future.

The sanctity of life, the defense of marriage, lower taxes, limited government, and a strong military are too important to our country’s long term success for us to give up now.

Look deep within yourself, find the confidence needed to re-engage, and press-on to take our country back.

Congratulations to Sen. Obama

America has voted for "Change," but what kind of change will we get?

Conservatives, hope for the best . . . prepare for the worst.

Monday, November 3, 2008

John McCain for President

If you are considering a vote for Barack Obama, please read:

John McCain believes we should lower everyone’s taxes because lower taxes leaves more money in the pockets of consumers and producers to spend and re-invest in our economy which creates jobs and generates more revenue.
Barack Obama says he will lower 95% of working Americans’ taxes, but 95% of working Americans don’t pay taxes. He wants to drastically increase taxes on the top 5% of wage earners and businesses because they can “afford it” and paying higher taxes is “patriotic,” but this will increase prices and restrict the ability of those businesses to hire new employees.

John McCain supports pro-life legislation and believes life begins at conception.
Barack Obama believes that taking a position on when life begins is above his pay grade and has voted against pro-life legislation his entire career. Sen. Obama told Planned Parenthood that he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act which would repeal state restrictions on abortion, provide for tax payer funded abortions, and reinstate partial-birth abortion. Learn more here.

John McCain is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and his voting record proves it.
Barack Obama says he believes in the individual right to bear arms, but his voting record strongly contradicts that claim.

John McCain understands our military, the danger countries like North Korea and Iran present to America, and how to effectively fight the war on terrorism.
Barack Obama has made many questionable statements revealing a lack of consistency and comprehension of how to deal with these threats. (i.e. “Iran is a tiny country.” “Georgia should show restraint.” He has also said he will meet without preconditions with Ahmendinijad, and if his plan had been followed in Iraq, we would have left in defeat months ago and Iraq would have most likely descended into genocide and chaos.

The experience and readiness of Sen. McCain to function as Commander-in-Chief has never been legitimately questioned. Even Barack Obama supporters acknowledge Sen. McCain is capable. I believe one of the biggest reasons Sen. Obama has not been able to “close the deal” is the fact that so many questions still abound as to whether or not Sen. Obama is actually ready to hold the most powerful office in the world. His running mate reaffirmed this by warning that the world would test him less than six months after taking office, and Sen. Obama acknowledged this himself in 2004.

I firmly believe John McCain is more prepared to be President of the United States than Barack Obama.

Regardless of whether or not Barack Obama is elected President, this election may go down in the history books as the year many Americans voted tragically uninformed.

I ask you to join me in voting for John McCain and educating as many people as possible about these important issues.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Invasion of privacy . . . are you next?

Columbus Dispatch: Checks on 'Joe' more extensive than first acknowledged

I see a major red flag. This is a very slippery slope.

The Bush administration received a lot of grief for wire-tapping terrorists. Where is the outrage when an average citizen has his personal life ripped open for stepping on the toes of the liberal movement?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This smells like the Soviet Union

What do "Joe the Plumber," Barbara West, Chris May, and Angela Russell have in common?
They all asked challenging (but respectful) questions of the Obama/Biden campaign and received very harsh treatment in return.

Joe Wurzelbacher’s personal life was hacked and scrutinized like he was public enemy number one. Barbara West’s TV station was banned from further interviews and her husband’s life was misrepresented to paint her as a right-wing hit woman.

Soviet Union indeed.


If you care about the pro-life issue, you need to read this:

Several months ago, I read the records from the Illinois State Legislature regarding Sen. Obama's vote and statements about the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.

I found that he had opposed a law virtually identical to a federal law already in place and supported by (of all people) Sen. Ted Kennedy.

I have also read transcripts and watched video footage CBN CBN YouTube of Sen. Obama stating that he opposed the legislation for several reasons- one of which was that it did not contain the wording that the federal law contained. But, the truth of the matter is that his committee added the wording and THEN voted down the bill.

Either Sen. Obama has forgotten or he is lying. I see no other option.

I would like to know two things:

1. Did Sen. Obama oppose this bill because he opposes any legislation backed by pro-life organizations?

2. Does Sen. Obama view any passage of such legislation as a defeat for the pro-abortion agenda?

Read more from the National Right to Life here.

Learn more about Sen. Obama's repeated opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by clicking on the links below.
Transcript of Obama's verbal opposition to Born Alive on the IL Senate floor
Obama's vote on the IL Senate floor
Jill Stanek
Citizen Link
Human Events
Illinois Right to Life

Something to keep in mind . . .

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Iran prefers Obama


"Iranian parliament speaker says his country is leaning towards Democratic candidate in US presidential election 'because he is more flexible and rational.'"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Joe Biden is actually saying . . .

If you read or listen to all of Joe Biden's remarks, it reveals and insinuates a few things:

1. Sen. Biden acknowledges Obama's lack of experience.
2. The world will be more likely to "test" Obama than McCain.
3. The United States would be safer and in a less precarious position with Sen. McCain as President rather than Sen. Obama.

This is just . . . weird

Democratic VP candidate, Joe Biden:

from FOX NEWS:
“Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.” he told a fundraising crowd in the Pacific Northwest on Sunday. “Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“He’s gonna have to make some really tough - I don’t know what the decision’s gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it’s gonna happen.”

What will happen if we don't have a crisis? What will Joe Biden say then?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Told you so (#2)

Well, I said to watch for this to happen over the next two weeks, but it took less than 48 hours for the liberal media to pounce on what they consider, "too good to be true, Joe the Plumber."

The sad thing is- Joe IS an average American and all the feeble attempts to dig up "dirt" on him in an attempt to discredit him only provide more evidence to the fact.

Go Joe!

Fox News Story (Told you so #2)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

One more thing-

Watch over the next 2 weeks as certain elements of the media and left-wing politicians attempt to mock, discredit, and marginalize "Joe the Plumber."

In their attempt to "set him aside," they run the risk of upsetting many Americans who identify with him. Joe could become the "unofficial leader" of a group of middle-class Americans who believe their feelings of frustration are finally being expressed. (And the liberal media can’t stand it.)

Update: 2:22pm If Joe the Plumber has busted the liberals, they will do everything they can to discredit him:

Here are some examples:
Biden questions 'notion of this guy Joe the plumber'
Free Republic
Democratic Underground
Daily Kos

Update: 2:38

ABC NEWS: "Are you really who you say you are?" "You can't actually be an average American and be agaisnt Obama's plans can you?!"

The View:


Update: 10-17-08 7:34am

“Joe the Plumber”

(In my two previous posts dealing with Joe the Plumber's conversation with Barack Obama when the phrase "Spread the wealth around" was infamously used, I almost wrote how I thought this guy known as “Joe the Plumber” could become a defining moment in the Presidential race. Hindsight is 20/20)

After his name was mentioned numerous times in the final Presidential debate, it is very possible that the phrase “Joe the Plumber” will be repeated by both campaigns and the media continuously over the next 19 days.
There are several reasons for this:

1. Joe the Plumber brought the fallacies of Barack Obama’s tax policies into the spotlight and revealed Sen. Obama’s socialist leaning ideas. This may result in countless American’s deciding to take a closer look at this election.

2. Joe the Plumber represents the heart of the American dream- work hard, do your best, and start your own business. This awakens the desires of so many Americans, and we identify with him.

3. Joe the Plumber did what very few (if any) reporter or pundit has done- ask the tough questions directly to Barack Obama and force him to reveal the true nature of his policies.

4. Joe the Plumber has reminded all Americans that “We the people” decide elections and it is critically thinking, hard working Americans who are best suited to determine who leads us in Washington.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spread the Wealth (cont'd)

Speaking to voters this week, Obama insinuated his tax policies are an attempt to "spread the wealth around." He has made it clear that he wants everyone to become successful, and I commend him for inspiring people. But, he has also made it clear he believes that if you reach a certain point of "success" it's the government's job to take your money and give it to someone "less" successful.In other words, Sen. Obama will not raise your taxes until you become very successful. As his running mate would say, you should be "patriotic" and pay more taxes. I will make less than $26,000 this year, and I don't want a dime of someone else's money. If my fellow Americans have managed to make $260,000 instead of $26,000, God Bless them, and God bless the country they live in. I don't want a government that dramatically raises their taxes in an attempt to "help" me.

These "very successful" people are responsible for creating jobs. Who else can create jobs? When is the last time you got a job from a "poor" person? The rhetoric from my liberal friends implies people making "more money than the rest of us" are "greedy" or "wrong." This is outrageous. Some "rich" people are greedy, but they are still the one's that employ the American workforce and create new jobs for tomorrow.
Raising their taxes is a very poor idea in a volatile economy like ours. If I become a small business owner and my taxes go up, that hurts my ability to give my employees a raise, hire new workers, and expand my business.
Sen. Obama's plan is simply a thinly veiled form of socialism.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Spread the Wealth

Socialism . . .

In other words, Senator Obama will not raise your taxes until you become very successful.

Whew! I feel so much better now. (Because, like all hard-working Americans, I have NO aspirations to be very successful. And I know only dirty, deceitful, and greedy people are VERY successful. I'm glad Senator Obama will help me never reach that point.)

And if I ever achieve the American Dream, I'll be glad to know that government helped me get their by slowing others down.


Obama and ACORN

Another case of poor judgment or deception?

World Net Daily

Ohio county seeks fraud investigation of ACORN
Cleveland Election Officials Launch Probe of ACORN
ACORN's Rap Sheet

Senator Obama doesn’t want you to know the truth about his associations with radical, fraudulent groups like ACORN.

“Texas ACORN members are proud to stand with Senator Obama. . .”

Sen. Obama: “I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career.”

Someone needs to update the Obama/Biden website. Must be hard to be their webmaster- Trying to keep everything saying the same thing, avoiding contradictions, and hiding the truth must be quite a challenge.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finally, we are talking about judgment . . .

It is perfectly reasonable to raise questions about Senator Obama’s judgment and associations. If he does indeed have the “good judgment” to govern our Nation, I find it very disturbing that Senator Obama’s campaign adviser David Axelrod said, Sen. Obama "Didn't know the history" of admitted terrorist Bill Ayers' activities.

Really? If that is the truth, then it concerns me that Sen. Obama did not know that the man throwing him a fundraiser for his first state senate run bombed the U.S. Capitol. That seems like something a man with sound judgment should have figured out.

If that is not the truth, then I am even more concerned that Sen. Obama would not only knowingly associate with a domestic terrorist, but would lie about it for political gain.

For someone who wants the toughest job in America, these questions should be answered more clearly. The current explanation doesn’t cut it. Considering the amount of responsibility Sen. Obama is asking us to give him, I do not feel comfortable handing the keys to our nation to him, when a man with the experience and proven judgment of John McCain is asking for the same job.

AP Report


NY Times

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin and Biden Debate Predictions

Two things:

Will this debate disintegrate into a pointless "gotcha game"?

And, does Joe Biden have enough self-control to keep himself from taking a cheap-shot, losing his temper, or just behaving rudely?

We will find out in just a few hours. . .

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Every Democrat’s Dilemma

Although Sen. McCain’s decision to suspend his campaign is risky, it’s a bold move that places the Democrats in Congress in a very precarious position. Known as a bipartisan Maverick for angering his own party numerous times by bucking Republicans to work with Democrats, Sen. McCain has displayed another act of country first, bipartisanship by suspending his campaign.

You can question McCain’s motives if you want to, but spearheading an effort to reach a bipartisan compromise is nothing new for McCain. (i.e. McCain-Feingold and the Gang of Fourteen.) Whereas, many Democrats in the past have touted their previous work with McCain as shinning examples of their good “bipartisanship,” don’t count on them to hold fast to that “bipartisanship” this time. If they are seen working with McCain on our economic crisis, the implications are clear: “Sen. McCain is our leader. He came back to Washington to help us (as he has in the past) and he is brokering this deal so we can pass very important legislation.” In effect, they will clearly show who has influence on Capitol Hill- and it’s not Senator Obama. Something to think about as you consider your vote.

While Senator Obama is in the same boat as his fellow Democrats, his situation has a few added elements. By exhibiting less enthusiasm to take real action to correct our economic crisis, he is in danger of giving the impression that he would rather win the Presidency of the United States than fix the problems of the United States.

Because John McCain acted first and took the initiative, Sen. Obama’s options are limited. Sen. McCain has called for this week’s debate to be postponed, but Sen. Obama wants to debate? Really? Correct me if I am wrong, but that seems like a change of heart. He turned down Sen. McCain’s repeated request to participate in town hall style debates, and prior to securing the nomination, denied Sen. Clinton’s request for more debates, but now he’s the one calling for the debate. Once again, Sen. Obama’s options are limited. If he agrees with Sen. McCain to postpone the debate, he will have in effect followed Sen. McCain’s leadership- not a very wise thing for a “candidate of change” to do if he is trying to convince the American people that he is a better leader than Sen. McCain.

Fox News Story

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What are you doing tomorrow?

Have you ever thought, “It doesn’t matter what I do tomorrow”?

Do you realize you might be thinking, “It doesn’t matter what I do tomorrow, because I have a lot of tomorrows”?

Of course, there’s an obvious problem with that thought. None of us know how many “tomorrows” we have left. Therefore, it does matter what you do tomorrow. It does matter how you spend your time. Plan your time. Include what really matters- family, friends, and faith.

(What could you have accomplished if you had planned the last one hundred days?)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Some people amaze me . . .

I have the privilege of helping our Senior class raise money this school year, so I was calling local businesses today to see if they would be interested in helping us. As I was talking with the owner of one particular business I said, "fundraising," and the call ended. I called back, thinking something might have happened to my cell signal, and when I apologized for the call being dropped, the owner explained, "No, I hung up. I'm supper busy, and I'm not doing any fundraising."

Wow. With that type of costumer service, I doubt you'll be busy for very long. Good luck with that though.

Friday, September 12, 2008

"At least I know how to use a computer . . ."

Dear Senator Obama,

I noticed on your job application it states you “know how to use a computer.” I’m glad you know how to do this, but I must inform you that this ability is not a requirement for Commander-in-Chief. However, sound judgment, integrity, and experience are essential, and we have already found an applicant with these qualities; therefore, you may resubmit your resume in four years if you wish.

Fox news story

P.S. One reason John McCain doesn't use a computer is because he was injured so badly as a POW he has extreme difficulty using a keyboard. And you attack him for it? That's pathetic. National Review

9-22-08 Politico Update: Asked why it was aired, Biden said: "I didn't know we did it and if I had anything to do with it, we would have never done it."

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Better Than Average . . .

Average is not funny. It’s not cool, and it will not satisfy. There is something deep inside the human soul that requires more. We may find temporary fulfillment, but it will not last.

Maybe you are afraid you can’t do any better, or if you try, you’ll fail. So, you joke, laugh, or shrug off your average or less than average performance with a, “I’m not as ‘bad’ as I could be,” attitude.

Well, you’re not as ‘good’ as you could be either, and with that attitude, you never will be. But with hard work, discipline, and integrity you can begin to see above average results.

Do you ever wonder, “How ‘good’ could I be?” Only you can discover the answer to that question. I wholeheartedly believe God knows the answer, and He is inviting you to find out.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Did Gov. Palin Get Picked Too Soon?

Last night, Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin delivered an amazing speech at the GOP Convention. In the past few days leading up to her big night, many pundits have questioned whether or not she could perform under the pressure. Today, no one doubts her ability to handle the spotlight.

The most common attack used against the first female governor of Alaska centers around her experience. Today, I had a thought: Imagine this was August 2016. Sarah Palin has served two impressive terms as governor, spearheaded America’s endeavor for energy independence, emerged as a major voice of the conservative movement, and the GOP nominee has just selected her to be his running mate. Would the Democrats have any real ammo to use against her? What if, in addition to everything she already has- tenacity, integrity, sound judgment, grace, wit, and charisma, she had “extensive experience?” What if, Sarah Palin’s current record of reform and accomplishment continued through two terms as governor and those eight years as governor rendered any questioning of her “experience” absurd? (The Democrats might as well be fish in a barrel.)

(Now, I actually find it ironic her experience is being questioned as she is the only politician on either ticket with executive experience, but Obama/Biden, and the liberal medial have to hit her with something or this election’s over.)

I think Sarah Palin is exactly who John McCain needs on his ticket, and I don’t doubt her powerful spirit and ability to lead starting on day one. I’m glad she is the GOP nominee for VP, and Sen. McCain has my full support. I simply wonder how her candidacy would have played out if her introduction to America had been several years down the road. How much more potent would her candidacy have been? Of course, we will never know the answer to that question, but even if a 2012 or 2016 introduction would have damaged her critics’ ability to attack her, it may not matter. She may still become unstoppable. I certainly hope so. The next two months will tell the tale.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sen. Obama: "I am qualified to be President . . . because I'm running for President."

Laughable . . .

Palin Scares Liberals

Here is a well-informed analysis by Andrea Tantaros of the extreme left's attack on Sarah Palin.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tony Snow

In a world that believes, “To win, you must steal, cheat, and deceive,” Tony Snow proved otherwise.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Iran's Missile Propaganda Malfunction

Drudge Report- Iran fakes missile test footage

Does it concern you that some people in Washington believe the United States should negotiate without preconditions with this regime?

Well, at least negotiations might give Iran a little more time to practice using Photoshop. (Or develop nuclear weapons.)

I wonder which one we should be more concerned about.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Iran Missile Tests

Iran Test-Fires More Missiles in Gulf; Rice Issues Warning

Yesterday, Senator Graham of South Carolina said the worse thing we can do is to do nothing, while we can still do something. Iran is either serious about their intent to destroy Israel, or they are just bluffing. Which scenario do you want to take your chances with? If you were living in Israel, would that affect your decision?

Previous Posts:
Possible attack on Iran . . . by Israel
Wake Up, America
Iran Pushes Forward
Pursue All Options; Prepare for War
The Clock is Ticking
Evil Will Triumph If We Do Nothing

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008


A previous post discussed the importance of wise decisions; however, today, I would like to briefly discuss the simplistic (but, often overlooked) fact that we make decisions nearly every second of the day.

When your alarm clock woke you up this morning, did you decide to get out of bed or hit the snooze button?
When you opened your closet, did you decide to wear the red shirt or the blue one?
When you looked in the mirror, did you decide to iron that shirt?
When you were running out the door, did you decide to grab a breakfast bar, or purchase something at work?
When you saw that light turn from green to yellow, did you decide to stop or speed up?
When you saw the speed limit sign, did you decide you were running late so the sign didn’t matter?
When you saw the police car on the side of the road, did you decide to slow down?
When you got a break at work, did you decide to call your spouse and say “I love you”?

We may never be able to count the number of decisions we make in a given day, but one thing is certain- “The decisions we make directly impact us and those around us.” Whether we realize it or not, we show the world what is valuable to us by the decisions we make, and we determine the destination of our lives by what we decide is important.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

One Country's Rejection of a Previously Accepted Evil

Every country has segments of its history that few, if any, of its citizens are proud of. Although it goes without saying that America has much more to be proud of than ashamed of, America is definitely no exception to the rule, as we do indeed have our own miserable segments of National history.

As I read this story about the man who recently tore the head off a new wax sculpture of the heinous German leader Adolf Hitler, the fact that "it is illegal in Germany to show Nazi symbols and art glorifying Hitler," caught my attention and reminded me that any nation guilty of accepting evil at one point in its history can still choose to reject that evil.

It is my constant hope that one day, all Americans will look back and say, "It is a good thing that we ended the Accepted Evil of abortion in our country, and closed that dark chapter of our history." Just as many Germans do with regard to Nazism, and fortunately, just as most Americans already do with regards to things like genocide, slavery, and segregation.

Friday, July 4, 2008


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Complete Document

How Can Someone Be Pro-life and Support the Death Penalty?

I am opposed to abortion not on the grounds that it is taking a human life, but because it is taking an innocent human life. When a person is given the death penalty in our justice system after they have committed a heinous crime, that person is no longer innocent- they have been deemed guilty and convicted by a group of their peers after a due process after they have committed the crime.

The unborn are given death before they have been given the chance to even commit a crime.

You and I were allowed to live beyond the 7-9 month gestation period, and we can now choose to do whatever we please. We can live our lives however we want- even commit crimes if we want to- at least until the justice system kicks in, and we are arrested, taken to court, convicted, or released. The unborn are never given that chance. In my opinion, they experience a different “justice system;” they are never arrested, or taken to court, but they are most definitely sentenced to death.

The contrast is guilty versus innocent. Today, America grants the right to choose to throw away or keep innocent lives, while some anti-death penalty citizens fight to prolong the lives of those deemed guilty by our justice system, and that bothers me, partially because the unborn haven’t done anything wrong.

Of course, I know there are many more issues facing our country and most of them are of legitimate importance. The pro-life/pro-choice issue just happens to be the one I am the most passionate about.

Response to Obama Supporter

A discussion recently took place on regarding Senator Obama, and I decided to chime in. A certain Mr. Neff made the assertion that Christ does not approve of the taking of innocent life, and while I wholeheartedly agree with him, I believe that such an assertion is an extremely flawed avenue to take when defending or promoting Sen. Obama, primarily due to the fact that Sen. Obama appears to have little or no problem with the taking of an innocent life in or after an abortion- even a failed abortion in which the child is 100% alive.

(click here for the full article on the Chattanoogan)

(letter to Mr. Neff)

Mr. Charlie Neff,

Thank you for voicing your views and taking interest in our great American experiment in government. I would rather have 50% of the American people involved in the political process opposed to conservative principles, than have 50% of the American people indifferent and apathetic towards the entire political process. I’m glad you are at least engaged.

To the point:You said, ". . .but as I understand Scripture, I don’t think Christ would approve of bringing about the deaths of thousands of innocent victims as our little adventure in Iraq has done. . ."Sir, as I understand Scripture, Christ would not approve of bringing about the deaths of thousands of innocent victims as our acceptance of abortion as done.

No, Christ does not approve of the taking of innocent life, and Barack Obama's political views are quite contrary to "what Christ approves." In fact, Sen. Obama's repeated opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act as a state senator raises serious questions as to whether or not Sen. Obama believes a child that survives an abortion- living, breathing, and heart beating- should be provided protection under the law. Congress passed this measure easily. Obama opposed it in Illinois; therefore, I believe this places him on the extreme fringe of liberalism, and further left than Sen. Kennedy, Boxer, or Kerry.

I also firmly believe every life has equal value. Sen. Obama clearly does not.

Jeremiah Cook

Learn more about Sen. Obama's repeated opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by clicking on the links below.
Transcript of Obama's verbal opposition to Born Alive on the IL Senate floor
Obama's "no" vote on the IL Senate floor
Jill Stanek
Citizen Link
Human Events
Illinois Right to Life

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Perspective Questions on Life

What does a mute person want to say more than anything?
What does a blind person want to see more than anything?
What does a deaf person want to hear more than anything?
What does a paralyzed person want to feel more than anything?
Where does a cripple person want to walk more than anywhere?

What does an unborn child want to experience more than anything?


How long would the unborn want to live? Breathe? Exist? Nine months? A few years? A lifetime?

How long would you want to live?
How long DO you want to live?

What would the unborn want to know more than anything? That they were wanted?
What would the unborn want to say more than anything? May I live, please? Mom? Dad?
What would the unborn want to see more than anything? Their mother’s smile?
What would the unborn want to hear more than anything? Their father’s voice?
What would the unborn want to feel more than anything? Their father’s embrace?
Where would the unborn want to go more than anywhere? Their mother’s arms?

What would the unborn ask to be given?


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Trash Bins Searched as Woman Tells Police Boyfriend Threw Away Baby

DETROIT — Detroit area authorities say they have been searching for a newborn whose mother told them was thrown away by her boyfriend. The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press and broadcast reports say police were looking for the baby Tuesday night and Wednesday morning following the 29-year-old woman's examination Tuesday at a hospital. They are also searching for her 35-year-old boyfriend, the baby's father. The Detroit woman, who was bloodied and caked with mud when she checked herself into the hospital, said she had suffered a miscarriage. But police say she later said her boyfriend had taken the baby from her and threw it into a trash bin. Officials don't know if the baby is alive.

I've seen three cases similar to this one in the past two weeks. As more situations like this occur, I believe an alarming number of people in our culture are unknowingly slipping into a mentality that life is only valuable if that particular life is wanted. I fear the outcry over horrible crimes like this one (if in fact, a crime did occur) is dwindling. America continues to embrace the Accepted Evil of abortion as more and more people become desensitized to reports that newborns are being thrown away like trash, left in a toilet, or taken to a laundry room to die.

If you consider yourself Pro-life, when is the last time you did something to promote the pro-life cause? When is the last time you showed compassion and care for a single mother or pregnant teenager? How often do you share your pro-life views with your co-workers, or attempt to keep them informed about situations like this one and the need to value every life.

Many good organizations and hard-working concerned citizens are presenting and arguing the pro-life case every day, and I commend them. I simply challenge you to recommit to this cause.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Same Sex Marriage- Chuck Colson sounds the alarm . . .

The Coming Persecution

Is there a hidden agenda in the Same -Sex Marriage movement?
According to Colson:
"It is about forcing religious believers to accept the validity of the homosexual lifestyle—or else."

Possible attack on Iran . . . by Israel

ABC News Story : Pentagon Official Warns of Israeli Attack on Iran

Israel has every right to protect its own people.

If our nation was the size of New Jersey, surrounded by hostile nations (which had already attempted to destroy us) and we were currently faced with a Holocaust denying radical president calling for our destruction, would we not consider a military strike to protect our country and prevent him from obtaining nuclear weapons?

(It would only take 2 atomic bombs to kill nearly half the Israeli population.)

Serious indeed. And, I believe if the United States was in the same situation, we would be taking the rising crisis as serious as the Israelis.

A lot more could be said here, and I understand the fears people have of possible retaliation if Israel or the United States attacked Iran, but with all of that taken into consideration, the risk of a nuclear attack on Israeli soil may be determined to be too great to avoid military intervention and simply hope for the best. (That philosophy ran into a little trouble in the '30s and '40s, and we would be foolish to attempt it again.)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Hard Work

I have been able to listen a few times lately to Neal Boortz, and while I don't subscribe to everything he says, I do enjoy hearing him talk about things like the Fair Tax and the importance of a strong work ethic. Today he talked about 80 hour work weeks and driving home in the dark.

I just don't think its possible to attempt and achieve great things (or true contentment) without proper dedication to hard work.

Three things are necessary:

1. Discipline: Working harder and longer than anyone else.

2. Perseverance: Fighting through adversity and negativity.

3. Discernment: Making the right decision, at the right time, for the right reason.

Especially when no one is watching.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

How Valuable is Life?

How valuable is life?

How valuable is YOUR life? Better yet, how valuable is the life of the person you love the most?

Why does it make the news when workers are trapped in a coal mine? Why do we stare at the TV in shock when we learn an earthquake in China has killed tens of thousands of people? What makes our hearts ache when we hear a local high school student died in a car accident?

How valuable is life?

How far would you go to save the life of a loved one? What would you do to keep them alive? How far would you want someone to go to save YOUR life?

How valuable is life?

If your life was disabled indefinitely from a horrible accident, what would you want to happen to your life? If you were unable to communicate, would your loved ones keep you alive, or let you die? Can an accident change the value of your life? Do you think your life would be worth less?

If your most cherished loved one was disabled indefinitely, would you keep your loved one alive or let them die? Is their life worth less?

How valuable is life?

What if you were going to be disabled in a tragic accident tomorrow morning on your way to work? Would you rather die than live?

What if a person told you were going to be disabled in a tragic accident tomorrow morning on your way to work and you would remain on life support for 15 years, but at the end of that 15 years technology would be invented that would allow you to return to a “normal” life?

Would you want to wait 15 years? Would you wait 15 years for your loved one?

Who wouldn’t?

How valuable is life?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Over Prepare

Over prepare. How many people over prepare? Most people under prepare. Most people try to prepare as little as possible and just get by. “How little can I prepare and still get away with it?” is the question most people appear to be asking themselves.

Have you ever finished a project, taken a test, given a speech, or presented material to your superiors, and after it was all said and done, thought to yourself, “Man, I wish I wouldn’t have spent so much time preparing”? I doubt that happens very often, but I wonder how many times in a week, or even how many times in a day, you have thought, “Man, I wish I would have prepared more for that.” Or, “why did I not spend more time preparing?!”

Has that happened to you? It sure has to me. And you know what? I’m kind of tired of those times. I’m fed up with them. I don’t want that to happen anymore. Under preparing has frustrated me much more than over preparing ever could.

I just watched an online video of leadership expert John Maxwell, and he said something to the effect of “Over prepare and go with the flow. It’s better than under preparing and trying to create a flow.”

I had a meeting today, and I felt slightly over prepared for the meeting. I wondered if I was taking the meeting and my role in it too seriously, but half-way through the meeting, I realized that I was indeed slightly over prepared and that realization was actually liberating. I had a firm grip on what was being covered and those I was leading would have a much better understanding of the subject matter because I was over prepared, and not under prepared.

“There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.” Over prepare.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Leadership Thought

Are you the respected Captain of the ship, or the chartered Bus driver?

One ensures the ship gets to where it needs to go, and does what it needs to do. The other goes wherever the passengers tell him to go.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright

Welcome to school, America.

Course Title: Political Expediency 101

Course number: 2008

Professor: Barack Obama

Location: The United States

Current enrollment: TBA

Course objectives: The students will learn how to say and do whatever is in their political best interest. (And fool millions in the process.)

Rationale: Providing a basic study of American politics with a specific concentration in running for President, the course creates scenarios in which those aspiring to become great leaders can learn to be articulate, calculating, manipulative, and deceitful.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Jeremiah Wright

With everyone in the political news arena salivating over the Jeremiah Wright controversy, I decided to follow the crowd and chime in.

Barack Obama has pointed to Rev. Wright as his spiritual mentor and we all know he attended his church for 20 years. Now, the American public has learned that Rev. Wright is simply anti-American. Sen. Obama has made his bed and is now being forced to lie in it. (And he's going to have to "lie" a lot to get out of this one.)

While Barack Obama is trying to avoid this controversy and run for President, Jeremiah Wright is obviously trying to make the most of the controversy and run for press coverage.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mike Huckabee at CPAC

This was a homerun derby.

Watch the video here.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Insurrection . . . will conservatives fight back?

Now that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has suspended his bid for President, I must ask the following question: Will the conservative wing of the Republican Party mount a comeback and declare that they will not be forced into the "de facto" nomination of John McCain?

If you are a conservative, there is only one way to avoid John McCain becoming our nominee- support Mike Huckabee. He is a true conservative and has been his entire life. Gov. Huckabee has the experience of running a government- 10 1/2 years as Governor of Arkansas. He was elected not once, but four times in Arkansas and has never faltered in his stance upon conservative principles.

Remember, we not only need a conservative nominee this November, we need a nominee who can clearly communicate our conservative values. Mike Huckabee is the only candidate remaining who can do just that.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Huckabee wins West Virginia!

Mike Huckabee wins West Virginia after Mitt Romney spends millions and comes up short.

Gov. Huckabee is continuing to prove that some Americans can NOT be bought.

Vote for Mike Huckabee Today!

Today is the day! I implore you to take your vote very seriously. Vote for the next Great Communicator- Mike Huckabee.

Check these links out:

Alabama polls show Huckabee surge

Tennessee polls: Every vote is needed

Georgia, make history

Saturday, February 2, 2008

You Can Trust Mike Huckabee

Gov. Huckabee's life record as a pastor, Lt. Governor, and Governor is one of extreme integrity.

He did what he said he would do as Governor of Arkansas, and he has always carried out what he said he would do. He is honest. He is truthful and follows through. He says we need to secure the border, and I believe with all my heart he will do everything in his power as President to do so.

In a world where politics often reeks with the stench of corruption and "politician" is nearly synonymous with "deceit," "scandal," and "cover-up," Mike Huckabee is like a blast of fresh air- honest air.

Learn more:

Friday, February 1, 2008

Mike Huckabee is the Next Great Communicator

Whether you agree with him or not, Mike Huckabee loves this country and there is no denying it.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Reason I Support Mike Huckabee

Listen here to the amazing way Gov. Huckabee exhibits his love for America and the freedoms we experience.

Learn more:

Huckabee wins GOP Debate

Schneider: The night's big winner: Huckabee CNN Reports here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lack of Class

Down and dirty: Mitt Romney just personally attacked every member of Congress in the CNN Debate. I'll have the exact quote when the debate transcript is released.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Eight Days to Super Tuesday . . .

Mike Huckabee is a better communicator than anyone running for president.

He knows that in order to be a great leader you must take issues seriously, but take yourself lightly.

The field is full of people who act like they are running to be "God of America" instead of "Human leader of America."

Obama and Kennedy

Someone please remind the media that acting like Ted Kennedy represents the common values of America is like saying Saddam Hussein was a champion for human rights.

2008 . . . The year of the endorsement obsession. If only we were as obsessed with family values . . .

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mike Huckabee and the Florida Debate

Now that the field is thinning, the American people can see more clearly that Mike Huckabee is the best candidate to become the 44th President of the United States.

Tonight at the debate, Gov. Huckabee proved this. He was clear, conscise, and compassionate. He spoke about families and sinlge parent homes. He pointed out problems that we will face if we do not make changes now, and he eloquently defended his positions while he outlined with excellence why he wants to serve this country.

He has more experience running a government (10 and 1/2 years) than any other candidate.

Check out his website: and see for yourself.

I have looked at all the candidates and thought long and hard for over 2 years. I know without a doubt that Governor Mike Huckabee is the most qualified, most talented, most principled, and most authentic candidate.

I believe!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I Still Believe

I still believe.

I still believe America needs a President with a strong message. I still believe America needs a President with the ability to clearly communicate that message. I still believe America needs a President with experience. I still believe America needs a President with life-long convictions. I still believe America needs a President with the audacity to let people hear what he believes- not what he believes people want to hear. I still believe America needs a President with a grounded moral compass for every difficult decision. I still believe America needs a President with the character to do what is right, regardless of whether or not it is politically expedient. I still believe America needs a President with compassion.

I still believe America needs Mike Huckabee.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Janet Huckabee

ABC News has this article about one cool lady.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Observations of the Michigan Primary Results

Mitt Romney wins Michigan . . . but who cares. His dad was governor. If he had not won, he promised to go on, but it would only be to his own embarrassment.

John McCain began to give his speech on election night, but Mitt Romney didn't wait for John McCain to finish before he started his speech. Poor timing, or a deliberate lack of class?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Mike Huckabee and the Fox South Carolina Debate

Last night, Mike Huckabee withstood a direct assault from one of his opponents for the Republican nomination.

His performance is discussed here:

A Big Night For Huckabee

Monday, January 7, 2008