Last night, Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin delivered an amazing speech at the GOP Convention. In the past few days leading up to her big night, many pundits have questioned whether or not she could perform under the pressure. Today, no one doubts her ability to handle the spotlight.
The most common attack used against the first female governor of Alaska centers around her experience. Today, I had a thought: Imagine this was August 2016. Sarah Palin has served two impressive terms as governor, spearheaded America’s endeavor for energy independence, emerged as a major voice of the conservative movement, and the GOP nominee has just selected her to be his running mate. Would the Democrats have any real ammo to use against her? What if, in addition to everything she already has- tenacity, integrity, sound judgment, grace, wit, and charisma, she had “extensive experience?” What if, Sarah Palin’s current record of reform and accomplishment continued through two terms as governor and those eight years as governor rendered any questioning of her “experience” absurd? (The Democrats might as well be fish in a barrel.)
(Now, I actually find it ironic her experience is being questioned as she is the only politician on either ticket with executive experience, but Obama/Biden, and the liberal medial have to hit her with something or this election’s over.)
I think Sarah Palin is exactly who John McCain needs on his ticket, and I don’t doubt her powerful spirit and ability to lead starting on day one. I’m glad she is the GOP nominee for VP, and Sen. McCain has my full support. I simply wonder how her candidacy would have played out if her introduction to America had been several years down the road. How much more potent would her candidacy have been? Of course, we will never know the answer to that question, but even if a 2012 or 2016 introduction would have damaged her critics’ ability to attack her, it may not matter. She may still become unstoppable. I certainly hope so. The next two months will tell the tale.